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~Deku's POV~

It's been just about a week since I started living with them. I kinda like it here...

I feel bad for Mr Aizawa though. I keep lashing out at everyone, including him, and he doesn't try to stop me. He waits, patiently, for me to stop, and then comforts me when I'm done.

I lash out a lot because I don't want to be angry, but I am, and, I just don't want to be alive anymore, but I do? It's all confusing and It irritates me.

Mr Aizawa says I'm allowed to be like this, that it's ok to be angry. I don't talk much, except when I talk to him. I feel comfortable around him.

I haven't been to school in a few days, because of my 'actions on the roof'. 

I wonder what Todoroki is doing. I miss him, I haven't seen him in a while. I wonder if he knows what I did, or... tried to do. I wonder if Mr Aizawa knows I cut? Probably not? I wonder if he knows I was...raped. I wonder if he knows I was abused-

" you were raped..?" I looked over to see Shinso leaning on the doorway.

SHIT was I mumbling!? f u c k.

"N-no... W-where'd you g-get that? heh heh.." I said back, avoiding eye contact. Tears threatening to fall.

"Midoriya, We want to help you. please."

"..I-I .. I don't want help!..Just get out! Go away!" I said in an angry tone.

" K, sorry, I just wanted to help." He said quietly but loud enough for me to hear, and left.

(pov change.)

~Mr Aizawa's POV~

I was talking to Hizashi at the kitchen table when Shinso came out and sat down, with an odd expression on his face.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, looking in his direction.

"I walked in on Midoriya mumbling to himself." He quietly replied.

"Ok. Is there something wrong?"
I asked, more worried then before.

"He was saying how he wonders if you know he cuts, or if you know he was.. was raped." Shinso said, looking down at the table.

"..no, i didnt know about either. Thank you for telling me, shinso."

"Mhm.." And with that, he laft the table, got a drink, and went to his room.

I looked over to Hazashi, to see him with a concerned look. He put up his hair and looked over to me.

"You going to talk to him?" He asked me.

"Hm..Yea, but later. I think it's better if we leave him be for the moment." I said back, planning out what i'd even day to him.

"Ok. Well I told Shinso we could go to the store today. I imagion Midoriya won't want to come, so just shinso and I will go." Hazashi said, getting up and going towards Shinso's room.

"Ok. Stay safe. We need eggs." I said, still at the table, watching him go into shinso's rooms.

"Ok." He said, comeing out with him.

After they left, I looked over to midoriya's door. I debated going in, but ended up walking over, and knocking.

"Midoriya, can we talk?"

I waited. Then, I heard a large thump..

(Sorry its a short chapter. Just wanted to get one out. :/ )

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