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It started as an innocent letter...


to the gardener,
I see the flowers you've been sending to my fiancé that would be given to me. Each morning with every rose and letter the guard gives me. I can't help but think about you. I do not know the meaning behind it but hopefully one day I will. With unfortunate confidence, i can assure you that might not meet but hopefully this can change soon, and i can see your beautiful face in person and not through my window.

Yours truly, prince seokjin

Your heart fluttered at the letter but..you knew it was wrong. He's about to be married and your just a gardener. So I sent him a letter. He is just a mere prince, someone that you need to respect. Word after word, there was a slight clue of what you wanted to say.

to your highness kim,
hello! thank you for appreciating the flowers your fiancé has been giving you and if you don't mind, may I send flowers to you directly? Just as a secret, friendly way. Thank you for being such a great person!

From, the royal gardener

Regardless of how short it was, it seemed as perfect for it to be looked by the eyes of the royal. Sending the note back in a cream colored envelope with a red rose. You decided to plant more of them.

a day passed by before you recieved another letter from the prince. the guard from yesterday slightly grinned to himself, giving you the letter.

"you really like him don't you?" he asked you, bringing a smile to your face.

"yes i do" letting your fingers run through your hair, afterwards tearing apart the the rose scented envelope as you brought up the delicate pinkish paper.

to my favorite royal gardener,
yes yes please plant more roses for me in my room and also i want to know you more!! by the way, you can call me jin intead of highness, prince, all that stuff. also thank you for calling me handsome even though i'm not really.. by the way, what's your name?

yours only, jin

an expression that said awe was shown on your face, sending a letter back to the prince, describing yourself, you sent back a daisy

a month drifted slowly, feelings increased and the two of you recieved and sent letters back and forth. the guard was someone who helped and shipped too. Having sights of your obvious feelings, you knew that he felt the same way despite the letters he'd sent saying how much he desired to be with you, you knew it wasn't possible.

Regardless of all the pet names and flirty letters, you knew that he was a prince about to get married and you as a gardener didn't help. But then an event arrived you wished never came.

His wedding day.

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