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So, you want to play a buff? Very nice of you!

Buffs are called so because they buff other players' growth!

So let's start back at the beginning.

This is the buff eggo

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This is the buff eggo.

As you can see, press E to hatch.

Oh! There you are!

Like all other dragons, buffs have a variety of colors

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Like all other dragons, buffs have a variety of colors. Spawns and colors are random. I don't have enough time on my hands to take and edit screenshots of them all though...sorry.

Buffs are tiny! They are the smallest dragons ♥ They are often referred to as 'beans' while babies.

Buffs are tiny! They are the smallest dragons ♥ They are often referred to as 'beans' while babies

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Buffs grow the fastest out of all the dragons though. They cannot fly but they can ride on the backs of other dragons.

 They cannot fly but they can ride on the backs of other dragons

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To do this, the buff and dragon must be in the same group. The buff must be 0.5, as must the dragon the buff wishes to ride. If all that is true, then the buff needs to hold right click to aim at the dragon and then press f.

Sometimes it does not quite work and the buff will shake it's head. Just keep trying until you get it!

To hop off, press F

BE WARNED!  Buffs are very glitched! If possible, fall off into water or on the ground. Make sure a dragon in your group stays near-by as you can hop back onto their back to hopefully help fix being stuck.

If that does not work, ask an admin for a reset (give them your pid) or relog!

Buffs buff other players to help them grow and they get a cute message and do a dance when they do.

Buffs buff other players to help them grow and they get a cute message and do a dance when they do

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You can buff any player at any age.

Hold right click to aim at the dragon you want to buff and then tap v. 

The message you see above will show up on your screen (and a similar on the other dragon's) if you succeed. 

If you buff a dragon or miss, your buff will still dance!

Buffs have another ability as well.

They can potentially dig up a leech.

The action uses up stamina and it is actually not common that it works

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The action uses up stamina and it is actually not common that it works. (it is used as a sort of last resort.)
There is also a 1% (supposedly) chance to dig up a giant leech. D:

To dig, simply press 'c'.

Buffs are very quick on land. If you happen to have to fight another dragon, use that to your advantage.

Buffs also deal a lot of damage as well, but they are easy to kill. Most do not kill buffs randomly as buffs are very useful, but it does sometimes happen. Do not assume you won't be PKed just 'cause you are Buff.

Buffs are powerful as babies.

Do not ride the back of a dragon in a fight-you die first and you die FAST.

Buffs jump pretty high.

Zig zag as you run if you are being attacked.

Buff calls come with some fun animations.

Buff calls come with some fun animations

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