chapter 13

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The counsel ? Who were they ? Why would they replace her if she doesn't birth an heir for the sire. ?

“ Annarose please enlighten your mistress more . Who are they.” “ the seven legendary rulers . They are evil mistress . They are evil under the covers of light. They commit atrocities under the title of giving justice. I am telling you mistress do not cross them. ”

Regina was still confused. If they are known as legendary rulers then how are they evil ? . Doesn't the king know about them ? . “why are they called legendary ? ” “ they used to be hero's . The sires father was a weak man . He was weak as well as evil . And he was extremely foolish in leadership. He wasn't fit to be a leader. People complained a lot under his reign. He took wives away from Thier husband's and lands that doesn't belong to him . His only interest was increasing the number of his harem women as he was a greedy man.
  When his atrocities became over bearing that the people couldn't take it any more . They threatened to raise riot against him and kill all that belonged to him . Then the king in his cunning self used the royal seal . It is said that when a king uses the royal seal his decision can never be revoked not even by his generations.
  In his decree the king appointed seven trusted aids to rule along side with him . They also had a say in the royal household . They were given authority to make as well as to mar.
Those seven people were his trusted friends . For a while people thought it was going to be good they behaved like saints . With the king as Thier leader they made the land hell for their subject. ”

Regina was speechless. “ if they hear that the sire didn't consummate with you they will consider you his weakness and aim for the throne . Regina Mia Donna . If any of them should sit on that throne .....we are all done for.” did she make a mistake by not begging him to have her . Then Regina realised that the future of the kingdom rests on her shoulders.

“ the sire is a strong man . He has always been. He will save us all from them . Just as he saved us from his evil father. ” Annarose said smiling proudly.

Those people are really wicked. They would toss her to be a harem woman once she can't birth the kings heir .  But she wasn't ready . She is new to All these and not yet ready to become a wife much less a ....mother.

Being a mother requires a lot . She doesn't want to birth a child out of compulsion. She wanted to birth a child out of love . She wanted to be the best mother there is to her child. But if they toss her out she would be helpless.

Annarose removed her chemise and set the bath for her mistress. the healing bath. “ mistress your scar is fading . Just a little bit more and you will be as good as new. ” Regina smiled and turned away shyly.

“Today is the completion of your marriage ritual . You will visit the temple and get to see the priest. You mustn't be late. M'eldaar doesn't tolerate lateness from anyone . You must hurry.”  Annarose said  rushing up the bath .

They cleaned up . And Annarose set to work on her mistress. When they were done Annarose let out a satisfied smile . “ he was able to resist you the first time. I have made sure he wouldn't be able to this time. The dress I chose really shows off your cleavage. It would give him a lovely view so much that it would drive him crazy with needs. ”

With wide eyes Regina turned to look at her dress . And almost choked on air. The dress revealed too much of her cleavage. She looked like a wanton woman begging for attention. To make matters worse she had big boobs .how on planet earth can she wears this “ Annarose ” “ mistress it looks so good on you . Just seduce him a little. ”

This servant of hers will get her into trouble one day . Annarose was too daring for her own good. But she complied because time really wasn't on her side. She gave in ...and also because she wanted to know how far the sire was willing to go with his threat of seducing her. Can he withstand her seduction .

As they stepped out of the room something flashed into Reginas mind . If ever she doesn't birth the kingdom an Hier she would be tossed back to the brothel . exact where she came out from . Where she belongs. Those words scared her .

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