O N E : Textbook psychology.

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-• Olivia Alvez •-


I sit in the tense silence of the room, my back pressed against the back of the uncomfortable leather chair. My right leg is crossed over my left while I wait for the despicable man in front of me to speak.

I impatiently listen to the sway of the antique grandfather clock at the side of the room, hearing each and every tick of the second hand.


Before me is a large oak desk with a computer screen to one side while the rest is covered in the usual files and pens. My father sits proudly behind it in his overly expensive, brown leather chair with a sickening smirk on his face.


Three of the four walls in this room are, for the most part, made of bullet proof glass. Behind the desk are two door handles that lead out onto a small balcony which overlooks the ocean.


Either side of the balcony doors are two wooden bookshelves with various hardback books and folders stacked neatly side by side.


Dotted around the room are various expensive artefacts displayed to show off just how wealthy my father and his organisation truly is.


I impatiently huff in frustration, a quality I inherited from the man in front of me, and fold my arms across my chest.


"Olivia," My father finally breaks the silence. I'm hoping it's to explain to me why men in suits turned up at my door mere hours ago and forcefully flew me out here.

Where is here? The city of Positano in Italy. One of my father's many homes, this being the grandest of all.

I have few memories of this place as a kid, mostly just me and my siblings playing with our mother while our father worked.

"I'm sure you're wondering why you're here," He leans forward on his desk.

I raise both my eyebrows at him, clearly pissed off the longer I have to wait for his explanation and it better be a good one.

"Do enlighten me then," I motion for him to speak with my hand.

I'm so angry with him. When I told him that I was out, I meant it. I don't want to be a part of this side of his life anymore, it already took mum away from us. I don't want to be here when it takes someone else.

"You may not know this, but we have recently been targeted by the Americans," He finally starts talking, Hallelujah!

"They interfered with one of our North American shipments and you of all people should know I don't sit well with people thinking they can mess with me and get away with it."

I roll my eyes, more out of disdain than anything else. He's so stupid sometimes, "Let me guess, they threatened you?"

"No, they threatened you," He corrects, "and Amanda."

"How would they have even found me? How did you find me?" I glare.

When I left I made it my mission to be untraceable. I got my 4 hours. I got in touch with some of my contacts who helped me disappear and I now live under the radar.

I started a life for myself; I finished school and got a respectable job, I made friends and finally managed to wiggle my way into a life of normality. So much for that.

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