T W O : I got the nuggets.

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-• Olivia Alvez •-

I roll over in bed, groaning in protest as I bury my head into the pillow to try get a few more peaceful hours of sleep. My attempt is futile when my brain wakes up, telling me there's no chance I'm going to get back to sleep any time soon.

Accepting the inevitable, I climb out of bed and go to my clothes from yesterday. It's disgusting but there's not much I can do. I'd ask Amanda to borrow some of hers but she'd rather lose a limb than share her clothes with me.

I use the deodorant from the bathroom to make them smell less before sliding them on, deciding to shower later once I've bought new clothes.

I feel as gross as I am.

I know my father and I know how touchy he is when it comes to ordering things to the house. Those four suits who escorted my Chinese takeaway to the door yesterday would have searched him and the bag thoroughly before he was even able to enter the premises.

I pad down the marble corridor to the kitchen to make myself a bowl of cereal. As I enter I recognise Malakai's broad shoulders stood over the kettle, pouring himself a cup of tea.. at least I think it's tea. He's English so I'd assume it's tea rather than coffee.

"Good morning," I greet him. He looks over at me and gives a small nod. He doesn't talk much does he?

I walk round to his side, waiting for him to finish making his tea before I get a bowl. They're in the cupboard above his head and I'm not going to lean over the guy to get them.

He gives me a slight side eye, cocking his eyebrow as if asking me what I'm doing, "The uh.. the bowls are in there," I motion to the cupboard in front of him.

I expected him to step aside but instead he reaches up to get me one. Thank god I must say, I normally end up climbing on the counter to grab the bowls and look like a right idiot. Short people problems.

"Thank you," I go make myself the cereal and sit at the island. He remains leant against the counter in front of me, the two of us sat in silence.

Do I break the silence? Should I make small talk or something? When I tried to talk to him last night it didn't go down too well.

"Your father tells me you wish to go shopping," Well it looks like he's the one breaking the silence. That's a first.

"Uh..." I finish my bite, "yeah, I do. I didn't have time to grab anything when I was jumped yesterday." I'm about to take another bite of food when I add, "but if we do go, do not bring it up near Amanda or Vince. They're like shopping locusts, they will tear the shopping centre apart," I warn which seems to amuse him.

"Morning cunt," Vince greets as he enters the kitchen, "And no, I wasn't talking to tall, dark and handsome," He winks at Malakai who rolls his eyes, though I don't think Vince saw.

"Oh my god!" Amanda bursts through the doors excitedly moments later, "Guess what!"

"Oh my god, what?! Wait, wait, wait, lemme guess. Did that cute guy from the bar ask you out?!" Vince acts like a teenage 'Valley-girl'.

"No, doofus." She turns away from him to me, "Dad said we're going shopping!" She squeals, holding up his black card for us all to see.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" Vince jumps up and down clapping along with her, which makes me laugh, "We're going to the mall! I'm gunna get my nails done, my hair done, mani pedi all the way!" He flicks imaginary long hair over his shoulder.

"Are we sure he isn't gay?" Amanda fake whispers to me.

"I'm bi, bitch. Come at me, see what happens," He squares up, pushing his chest out as he scans her up and down - sizing her up as if they were about to fight. I wouldn't put it past them either.

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