T H R E E : You're no fun.

308 14 11

-• Olivia Alvez •-

I'm back on the balcony, despite Malakai's distaste towards me being here, and I am once again watching the sun's morning rays dance on the water. A cup of tea rests in my hands, keeping them warm in the chilling wind.

I've been here a week and I can honestly say, I'm bored. As promised, Malakai has had me under 24 hour surveillance. If it's not him then it's one of the Suits lurking somewhere nearby.

I've managed to go for a swim in the pool, though it wasn't as fun as I thought it'd be. There's only so many bombs and handstands a 24 year old can do before it's no longer entertaining.

I'm thankfully not completely confined to this building, I've been out twice since the shopping trip. Once to pick up a takeaway order, since they couldn't deliver, and once to go out and buy pads.

Malakai is practically my shadow at this point, if he's not with me he's somewhere within the house with eyes on me. It was fun at first, trying to be sneaky and disappear when he wasn't looking but that really pissed him off which result in him sending me even harsher glares than he already does.

He probably hates me and, to be honest, I don't really care anymore.

I tried to be nice to him, I even apologised to him for something unnecessarily just so that he'd think I was nice, but he still blanks me.

"If you keep sitting like that, I might have to get a railing put in," He's back again, leaning against the balcony beside me and watching the sunrise.

I come out here a lot to watch the sunrise and I think Malakai has begun to notice since more often than not he decides to join me. He doesn't always talk but he keeps me company.

This is the only time in the day where he isn't glaring at me and I don't feel like he's a brick wall. I want to believe that it's his way of getting to know me or be nice but I'm pretty sure it's just to make sure I don't die.

I'm not going to fall and even if I did, I doubt many people would care. I certainly wouldn't.

"I'd still sit up here," I shrug. Some stupid railing isn't going to stop me from sitting here, minding my own business and watching the sunrise.

I'm not hurting anyone and I'm not breaking the law. What's the big deal? I'm an adult.

"You know you could always join me, rather than standing," I pat the concrete beside me.

Well, I think it's concrete.. maybe stone? Either way it's really cold, kind of dirty and a little chipped. It's definitely not the comfiest of seats but I'm not complaining.

"I could," he agrees in a tone that basically means 'no'. Saying it probably would've been less insulting.

"But you won't," I finish his sentence for him, taking a sip from my tea as I stare at the view.

I've sat up here so much you'd think I'd remember what it looks like but every day I feel like I'm looking at a brand new landscape.

I probably sound like an old granny saying this but I'm starting to understand what my mother meant when she would talk about how beautiful the view is and how we should appreciate it more. I get it.

"Let's go into town," I decide, eyeing the streets below. Everyone is still asleep in their homes, waiting for their alarm clocks to wake them rather than watching the beautiful morning sunrise.


"Why not?" I look over to him, catching him looking at me before he diverts his attention back to the ocean.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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