Chapter two- The Gate

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When I arrived at Tokyo harbor I dropped off my supplies and went to the shipmaster and, it was run by Heavy Cruiser Takao I waved at her and said: "Hi long time no see."

She looked at me and said, "Hi you look like you just came out after a long trip, and base by your looks you seem to be carrying a lot of goods."

"Yeah, that is true," I said and gave her the paper and requested that she delivers my goods to its destination.

I left and went to my ship and to see if I can check on what I can change but I decided to past by Ginza which is now a Harbour and was able to get my ship there I looked and saw an ancient Greek structure and many people were surrounding it.

When I got to my ship I saw Orcs, Pigmen, and Wyverns charging around and killing people. I got my A.A guns to fire at the Wyverns and covered the people running away and directed them to me.

Before entering the Gate

General of the Tenth Legion Gen. Arian as he walks around his men. Then he looked at the wizards preparing to open the gate.

When it opened, he made a speech "No army would ever be able to defeat us ever we won many battles one after another. We are the pride of the Empire and the Empire alone, and no one will never beat us in the field of battle and, a second gate has been made allowing us to use the navy. To this extent, we are impossible to defeat with our navy hundreds of thousands strong!"

But he was so wrong once he entered the because he will see the power of technology.

Long after entering the gate

I ordered the people near my ship to get on the deck as I fired my secondary guns in order to provide cover fire.

As more and more people went on my ship (I will admit it tickled) that is when I saw project Azure fresh out of the labs.

I saw a girl who had a weird bow that looks a lot like the bridge of a carrier and said: "I will handle ground army you handle the navy." As she pulled out her and pulled the string and a laser arrow that launched a WWII Aircraft in the sky.

I left to go and with many civilians on board but only to be disturbed by wooden boats.

When I saw a fleet of wooden ships to which made me say "Idiots. You think those splinters will hurt me." The people looked at me as I said "This is the Bismarck class SuperBattleShip! You all have made a big mistake by attacking The Fleet of Fog!" The Civilians looked at me in regret boarding me.

I soon fired my self some rockets (I made some re-designs to my ship) to them which made them fear wanting to go by sea to invade the land.

When it was just the sea on fire, and corpses floating and blood in the sea I looked and sighed. I turn to just see the fear of the civilians who had boarded me.

I said, "Sorry that you had seen that." I said with a smile and said "My name is Bismark I'am from the fleet of fog but I do not kill for a living. But I do like to travel so how can I help you?".

The World of War Ships (Arpeggio x Azur lane x Gate x RWBY) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now