Chapter 13- The Returning of P.O.W's

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Ruby's P.O.V

I was told that we would be returned to Atlas and that Bismark himself (I was told he would speed the process if we call him he at least) and we arrived 3 days ahead of schedule.

When we arrived I saw a gate and they are armed to the last man and I wondered where is the Fanuses but I remembered they do not have Fanuses but they do have "Ships" with animal features.

We went through the gate then Jaune asked: "You believe they will bring us back home?"

I replied "I do not know." after we exited I saw a boy in gray he opened the door and said, "My name is U-513 at your service sorry about my superior's actions."

And I looked at him then said: "U-513 right?" He nodded and said: "Yes why?"

I asked him: "What does U mean?" He replied: "Undersee/sea boat ma'am" I nodded and I saw Gen. Ironwood and Winter Schnee.

Along with some other officers, I notice that Jaune is shaking to see Gen Ironwood.

Ounce we entered a vehicle the U-513 left us soon he turned around and said

U-513: I forgot I was supposed to represent Bismark *Sighs*  oh well. Ruby, Jaune is there something that I should expect? from Gen. Ironwood and Spec. Winter (Spec=Specialist) 

Jaune: A lot of shouting.

U-513: *Sigh* Might as well get it done.

The World of War Ships (Arpeggio x Azur lane x Gate x RWBY) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now