Chapter 10: I Can Still Beat You in a Fight

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Chapter 10

On Monday, I'm extremely embarrassed. Maddox hasn't talked to me all day and I'm still cringing at the memory of my father harassing the two brothers in the supermarket. I'm not sure whether or not Maddox told all of our mutual friends. When I sit down at lunch with my food, I tune in to the conversation. Nicholas is explaining his Thanksgiving diner.

"It was pretty boring. My mom got drunk and almost hit her head on the refrigerator- that was pretty funny," he explains with a weak shrug.

"How was your Thanksgiving, Maddox?" Nicholas wonders and I'm guessing Cassidy and Winona already shared.

Maddox glances at me before grinning back at the group. "Well, I met Olive's father," he announces. All of our table mates whip around and stare at me, which results in me uncomfortably locking my eyes on my food. "Do you want to tell them how, Olive, or should I?" Taking my silence as an answer, he falls into the story of how he met my dad.

Everyone's laughing while I'm cringing and putting my head in my hands. "Is that true?" Cassidy asks once she stops chuckling.

I groan as I bob my head up and down. "My dad's insane," I explain vaguely.

"I don't think we've ever asked you why you're here," Winona reminds me after a moment of silence. I was thinking we'd fall into a different topic or at least move on from me. I can never be that lucky, though.

"According to my parents, I partied too much," I explain vaguely. The table is silent before everyone falls into fits of laughter. When they see that I'm serious, they slowly stop giggling- everyone except Maddox.

"You don't seem like the party type," Jackson explains as he sobers up from his laughing fit.

"Yeah, I know that," I agree with him before giving a meek shrug. "But I did party a lot."

"And how much is a lot?" Maddox interrogates me. I can tell that any answer I give won't satisfy him.

"I went to at least three parties a week, sometimes four if I was up to it," I provide an answer. All of their eyebrows raise on their faces. "And on vacations, I went to way too many."

"Did you get drunk?" Winona wonders aloud and I can tell everyone wants to know.

 I sheepishly look down at my hands. "Occasionally," I answer quietly.

"How often is occasionally?" Maddox continues to prod, still doubtful.

"Whenever I got into a fight with my dad," I respond as I draw circles on the table with my finger.

"And how often did that happen?" Winona continues to pry. I let out a long sigh as I purse my lips.

"Often," I confirm.

"I can see it," Nicholas announces with an imaginative nod.

"You're lying," Maddox spoke as he slowly stopped laughing.

"Why else would I be here?" I snap back in an annoyed state.

"I don't know, you tell me," he rejoins as if I'm going to confess to my lies and reveal some deep dark truth.

"I just did," I bite back with a slight glare.

"I don't believe you," he concurs with crossed arms.

"Well, that sounds like a personal problem, doesn't it?" I retort with a roll of my eyes.

"You've never even kissed anyone yet you were a partier? Yeah, believable," Maddox scowls.

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