Chapter 18: Eh

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Chapter 18

Exams go well, aside from the fact that we had to do an unexpected English essay, which I wasn't fully prepared for. I finish it, but I probably won't get anything higher than a low B, high C. My friends made plans to go out for a celebratory meal once the tests were over; they officially ended today. I didn't want to ask my aunt if I could go out because I felt like I was disrespecting her by bribing her with good meals for a break from my punishment. Besides, I barely finished paying my dues for her letting me study with Maddox. 

So instead of going out with my friends, I lay on the couch and text them about it instead. They discuss where they're thinking of going int he group chat and I don't bother giving my two cents. Instead, I read along as they decide on a bakery, seeing as it's the only affordable place that sells food suited for a winter meal, or at least winter sweets. Jackson demands that it can't be his father's business.

At one point, I stop responding because I'm upset about the fact that I can't go. I work now and make money but I can't go anywhere. I regret giving up my freedom for a boy who barely appreciates me. I try to focus on the crime show my aunt's watching, knowing that this is my life for the next few weeks. Just as I'm starting to get into it, the doorbell rings and my aunt looks at me. "Are you expecting anyone?" she asks and I shake my head.

"No, are you?" I reply as I get up to open the door. Vivica isn't home so it can't be for her. "I'll see who it is."

I'm shocked to find Maddox standing there, twirling his keys around his finger. I look homely, that's for sure. My hair is still wrapped in a towel from my shower and I'm wearing pajamas that I got probably a couple years ago. My eyes widen as I wait for him to tell me what he's doing at my house. He simply assesses my clothing choices with a scrutinizing gaze. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask when I realize he's not going to talk anytime soon.

"Winona told me to come here and get you, seeing as you weren't responding to our messages," Maddox explains as he leaned against the door frame.

My aunt looks over at me and quirks a brow. "Who is that, Liv?" she asks and I look from her to the boy at the door a few times.

"Oh, it's, uh, Maddox," I respond.

"Does he need something?" my aunt replies with a raised brow.

"He wants to hang out but I'm sending him away now," I assure her before turning my attention back to him. back.

"I don't want to hang out. Winona does," he corrects me and I lightly wave my hands in a shooing motion. 

"I'm grounded," I remind him yet again. "Now go away."

"Fine," he retorts as he turns and approaches his car. I shut the door and return to the living room.

My aunt looks at me before nodding at the window, where we have a clear view of Maddox walking and texting. "What was that about?" she wonders

"We were supposed to go to the bakery today," I answer with a shrug.

"As a date?" she questions and I shake my head.

"No!" I deny, ignoring the redness of my face. I don't bother telling her that it's a high school friend group thing. There's no point now.

My aunt looks at me and heaves a sigh. "Do you want to go?" she asks.

I smile at the floor as I rubbed my hands together. "Yeah," I mumble.

"Go," she waves her hand towards the door. I stand up, cheer, and squeal. I run to the door and watch as Maddox unlocks his car

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