Chapter 21: Shut Up, Maddox

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Chapter 21

I wake up with a headache that makes me want to crawl into a ball and die. I look over at my bedside table and see a bottle of water and aspirin and I silently thank whoever had brought it. I hope it was my cousin. My aunt would kill me if she found out that I had gotten drunk, especially a week after being released from my punishment. I decide to get up and get ready for work, figuring that I have to be there at ten and my aunt will come barging in at 9:15. I still have an hour.

By the time I'm ready, the medicine has kicked in and I feel ready to face the day, aside from the urge to go back to sleep and the hunger that has possessed me. I take my phone off the charger, which I surprisingly remembered to plug in last night. I look at my messages and my eyes widen when I skim Maddox's text. I don't even have to click on it to cringe. He compiled a list of things I'd done to embarrass myself. As I read it, the memories slowly make their way into my mind and I wince and face palm repeatedly.

Apparently, I told him about Jacob, my old crush. I also called him the better looking brother. He doesn't let me live down the fact that I confessed my feelings for him. The list goes on and on and on, and eventually I feel like shoving my head into a garbage disposal. After replying with an impolite two worded message, I respond to my other texts.

My aunt knocks on my door and tells me to meet her at the car in five minutes. I hastily stuff the aspirin and water bottle into my bag and shove my phone in my pocket. I slip out of the room and zip up my coat as I walk down the hall. Once I reach the first floor, I find Vivica sitting on the couch. I look around before approaching her. "Did you leave me the aspirin?" I question, just to be sure I wouldn't be yelled at during the car ride.

"Yeah," she nods with a small chuckle.

"Thanks," I mutter quietly.

"What happened last night?" she wonders with furrowed brows.

"I told him," I grumble unhappily as I grind my sneaker against the hardwood.

"Maddox?" she catches on with wide eyes. I bob my head twice. "About your feelings?" I nod again.

"Yeah, I did," I confess as I place my head in my hands. The memories flood my mind once again and I cringe all over. "And I was drunk and embarrassing and it was horrible. I don't know how I'm going to face him on Monday."

"Well, what did he say?" she presses with a curious look on her face.

I sigh again as I drag my fingers down my cheeks. "We're supposed to be going on a date."

"A date?" she questions with raised brows. "When?"

"Tonight, at eight," I answer. "I originally planned it to tell him about my feelings but there's no need for it now. I tried to cancel but he wouldn't let me."

"That's cute," she smiles.

Before I can say anything, I hear my aunt's car horn honking. I rush out of the house after telling my cousin I'd see her later.

+ + +

"Hey, Abel," I greet him as I slip behind the register and into place beside my friend.

He pouts and looks away. "Hello, rude." I look at him in slight confusion.

"Rude?" I ask as I tug my brows together. "What did I do now?"

"Nothing," he replies. "It's what my parents did."

"What?" I wonder, feeling absolutely lost.

"They obviously gave Maddox the better genes," he retorts with a dramatic shrug.

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