Chapter 13: Neon, Mismatched Socks

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Chapter 13

Sooner rather than later, I turn seventeen. Like every other day in this town, it's just another rainy Thursday. It also happens to be my last day as a nonworking yet employed person. My manager, Jack, says he wants to get me working before the vacation so he can at least teach me the basics. I'm supposed to go in Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I already explained my plans of leaving to him and he said me that it's fine. The are enough workers to hold down the fort at Burger King while I'm away.

I'm surprised when I wake up to a handful of 'Happy Birthday' texts from people that aren't related to me. Most of them are from Winona and Cassidy. I also get one from Jackson and one from Nicholas, as well as a message from Parker. At around midnight, Abel left me several voice messages that I'm too scared to open, especially only moments after waking. I'll give it a half hour, after I shower and eat, to listen to them. However, as I exit my room, I'm bombarded by my aunt, who's dressed in her work clothes.

"Happy birthday!" she cheers and I offer her a sleepy smile. I'm genuinely caught off guard at the fact that she knows it's my birthday. I mean, I wasn't close to her before I was brought here. She'd call and send cards on my birthday but it was never really anything special.

"Thanks," I mutter, still not out of my sleepy state. 

"I'm making you chocolate chip pancakes! I know how much you love those!" she smiles at me. I give her another drowsy nod before slipping into the bathroom with my stuff. It's going to be a long day.

+ + +

After I shower and get ready for school, I check my phone and actually listen to Abel's messages. They're basically him shouting about it being my birthday and singing the happy birthday song to me. I grin as I listen and can't help but wonder how he knows it's my birthday. I don't recall telling him. Letting curiosity get the best of me, I send him a 'thank you' text before questioning how he knows today's my special day.

I'm flabbergasted when I get a notification from Maddox. It isn't what I think (and secretly hope) for, though. He's simply asking me if I want a ride to school. With a quiet sigh, I confirm that I would like a ride. I eat my pancakes in silence as I wait for Maddox to show up. Halfway through my meal, my cousin saunters downstairs dressed up for the day.

My aunt stands in the kitchen, which surprises Vivica. Aunt Gen is usually long gone by the time we get up. She glances at her mother before turning her attention to the stack of pancakes on the counter. "Well, don't you have something to say to Olivia?" Aunt Gen prompts her daughter with an expectant smile.

"Happy birthday," my cousins mumbles. I nod and thank at her as I hold back a smile at her annoyed scowl.

"You need to be home by seven, today," my aunt insists. "I'm making you a cake."

I look at her and nod slowly. When am I never not home at 7? "Okay." I honestly don't plan on doing anything after school, anyway.

"Good," she grins broadly at me before pointed to my cousin. "Vivica's bringing you to school, today."

"No, it's fine. I have a ride already," I insist quickly, which earns a sigh of relief from Vivica.

"Who?" my aunt wonders with furrowed brows.

"Maddox," I answer quietly as my eyes flit from her to her daughter.

"When am I going to meet this boy? You've been hanging out with him an awful lot," my aunt wonders and I give her a weak shrug. I know there's no way I'm going to bring Maddox into this house.

"Maybe you can meet all of my friends after I come back," I propose with no intention of following through. She exclaims about how good of an idea that is and I'm grateful for the loud and familiar honking. "I think that's for me." I grab my bag from the floor and snag a granola bar for lunch. With a smile and wave at my aunt, I jog out of the house and close the door behind me.

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