Devils and Angels by society's standards.

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Warnings: Angst, swearing, I suppose Remus (Though he isn't that bad in this-), implied abuse, death mentions, past unsympathetic Patton. Let me know if I've missed anything.

Speaking to one another was not strictly forbidden, however it was frowned upon for angels and demons to talk with each other. That's why most assign one or the other to various schools, and you don't usually go there if you're not of that species. What is difficult, however, is when a new school opens up and the general population of angels and demons haven't labelled it as 'for angels' or 'for demons' yet. It would probably help if human society knew of their existence among them. That was often the perspective of many of the younger winged creatures, who just wanted to live without the weight of their species past mistakes and endeavours.

But, unfortunately they just wouldn't be able to. It's ingrained in your head the moment you start forming an opinion on the matter. You just... Shouldn't talk to someone if they have devil wings, a tail and horns. That's what my parents always told me. My friends, on the other hand, had vastly different opinions. And for good reason.

I was about five minutes from my house, making my way to the university I had been accepted to with my stuff to move into my new dorm, when I hear someone yell out for me. "Virgie~" Remus dragged out my nickname for a solid minute, while I stood staring at him, deadpan. Once he finished, he looked at me with a face telling me he was expecting something in response. And I did. I gave him a slap and an eye roll, continuing to walk after standing waiting for him to catch up. He laughed manically, his tail going to trip me up. I catch sight of it in the corner of my eye, and just about miss it, stumbling forward a bit to regain my balance. After that, I turned to see him cackling, just about rolling on floor in a fit of giggles.

"Remus, what the fuck? I could've dropped my shit. Do you need something?" I ask, quite seriously annoyed at him almost making me cause a scene. "Not to mention how close we are to my parents' house, and you know they don't like you and Jan." I added that last part on in almost a mutter, more to myself then to him.

Unfortunately, Remus seemed to hear this and went from a happy goofy mood to downcast in less than a second. He sighed and stood up, making his way to walk next to me without saying anything. If his sudden change in demeanour wasn't enough to tip you off as to how my statement made him feel, his wings drooped somewhat, the feathers becoming slightly ruffled. I immediately felt bad, but kept the silence between us, as he usually prefers to bring up the matter first rather than someone else mention it. After a minute or two of walking in silence, the sound of my drag along luggage bags being the only sound other than footsteps to fill the air, Remus sighed and began to speak.

"Sorry, Vee. I know how conscious you are of your parents, and that you just want to keep us safe from them and their butt-sticks." I couldn't help but chuckle at that, and he gained a little extra pep in his step after hearing it. He continued, "I just wanted to say hi 'cause you're normally never out walking this early! It's weird, y'know..." He suddenly gasped loudly, and jumped in front of my path, causing me to stop abruptly. "Are you even Virgil?! What if you're just a clone or something sent in place of Virgil! Or worse... You're actually trying to arrive on time to sort out your dorm at school!" A smirk made it's way onto both of our faces as he moved out of my way to allow us to keep moving.

"Ding ding ding, you guessed correctly. I am actually a hype-realistic robot sent in place of your friend. My goal was to infiltrate your friend's life without being detected, but it seems my mission has failed. Congratulations on noticing a very small change in your friend's daily routine. Though, may I suggest that this is simply a side affect of being very anxious about going to a new school as opposed to my master plan of replacing him." The two of us laugh at my response, which hearkened back to some of our previous interactions that were now inside jokes within our trio of outcasts. Once our giggling subsided though, the mention of my anxious thoughts were not forgotten by him, much to my disappointment.

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