They win, hands down.

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It was the evening of the miniature sing-off between the three popular pairs of artists. The singing/rapping was to be recorded separately, and then streamed live with commentary from all parties involved. It was a fool proof plan to give some fan service and help boost popularity for all parties involved! Or so four of the six of them thought. However, they didn't take into account just how big of fools they were dealing with when it came to the twins behind the rapidly growing 'King Creativity', Remus and Roman King.

The pair had only really started up their musical careers roughly a year and a half ago, but they had a few major hits to start them off, and now have a massive following of their music that's known for being so out-there due mainly to Remus' input and ideas. So far, they've released 5 singles, and two albums, and because of their status of being independent of a record label, it's given them both full creative control of their work. They're both extremely tech-savvy though, and know how to appeal to their audiences. Add onto that the two's heritage and connections their family gave them and it was simply a recipe for success.

The same can't exactly be said for the other four though.

For example, there's 'Heart of Venom', comprised of Janus and Patton Hart. The two husbands have been making music together since they met in childhood, finally sharing covers and original music to a Youtube channel when the platform first came out at age eighteen. Now, a little over fifteen years later, the two have just breached the twenty million subscribers mark and post exclusively original music on their main, and occasional covers on a second channel. As well as this the two have gotten officially signed on a label for the last few years of their musical line up, so a collaboration of this scale was bound to happen at some point.

The other partners in the ditty showdown were the minds behind 'Logical Panic'. The two had built up a reputation of presenting thought provoking and deep music over the course of about four years, the minds behind it being Logan Hooper and Virgil Cook. They met in college and became good friends over many shared qualities, and their friendship evolved from there, leading the two to move into a shared house together and officially enter a QPR. Both free-lancers in the music industry, they thought it'd be a cool idea to form some sort of band together, and now have gathered a fairly large fanbase considering that neither were really taking their music careers seriously, with Logan being an author and Virgil a manager of their local Hot Topic. Now though, the pair were looking into making their musical endeavours more serious, and thought it a good idea to look into contacting some nearby big-shots to collab and really put their names out there.

And that leads us to the present, with Patton, Janus, Logan and Virgil all sitting were they would be streaming from, waiting for the twins to arrive. It was decided the day before that they would have to push the time back further than they had all initially announced due to a miscommunication from the Kings. Now, only ten minutes before they were meant to go live, the twins stumbled up to the building haphazardly, hoping desperately that they hadn't messed up too badly. Lucky for them, they had Patton there to stop his husband going berserk and the other two from completely tearing into the twins, though it'd be a lie to say Patton wasn't very close to doing so also. So, with only three minutes remaining, the twins were able to get set up with the rest of them and sort out their song for the battle. 

"Alright everyone," Logan said, being the one mainly in charge of the tech portion of the event. "We are live in 5... 4... 3... 2... and 1. Salutations everyone. I do believe this is now officially live" They said in a calm voice, addressing the large number of people who had tuned in early and were waiting for the stream of the group's set up. Logan looked up and made eye contact with Virgil, nodding softly to show them support, as Logan knew they were nervous about being live, especially with Patton in the room. Patton wasn't the... biggest fan of their music genre, nor their vocabulary (which was worse than a sailor's on a normal day), but everyone had agreed to keep the live swearing to a bare minimum for his sake, albeit reluctantly.

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