Late night meeting in the Woods.

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Warnings: None that I noticed. It's actually pretty fluffy today! But let me know if I did actually miss something.

It was just past 10pm by the time I had the chance to sneak out. I should consider myself lucky that I have such patient boyfriends. We hadn't been able to put our picnic plans into fruition anyways, so at least I didn't need to worry about that. While climbing down from my balcony, I unfortunately had to pass by Remus' room. That usually wouldn't be a problem, if it weren't for the fact that he was out on his balcony with his betrothed. They were both sitting, staring out to the gardens when I felt my grip start to loosen. I just about managed to step onto the concrete railing in order to relieve my arms of my whole body weight. But, of course, my presence there caused the two of them to look at me with a questioning gaze.

"Roman? What on earth are you doing climbing down from your balcony at such ungodly hours of the night?" I found myself struggling not to blush at the thought of what I was actually doing, even though I've done it several other times before. Then, my brother's partner spoke up.

"In all fairness dear, we're in no position to question him." I chuckle quietly while Remus responds with an exaggerated gasp.

"How dare my darling fiance side with my rebellious younger brother. I bet he's going out to see his boyfriends he thinks we don't know about." And just like that, my quiet chuckles were cut short by my own gasp and stammers.

"I-I- N-no there aren't- I don't have- what?" At this point they were both struggling to keep their laughter down to a quiet volume, leaving me to simply pout at their reactions.

"Do you remember having to wait to reveal our relationship hun?" My curiosity peaked at the statement, but Remus' response somewhat cleared my confusion up.

"Well, yeah. I was originally meant to marry your brother right? Then he came out as being trans, and was disowned and all that jazz. Worked out for the better though, cause now I'm gonna have a beautiful wife who is sometimes not my wife. But, who cares, you're you Janus and that's all I at lest care about." I internally sighed in relief upon learning that Janus is feeling feminine today. I often find it awkward for me to ask about it, so I try to pick on Remus' language talking about my gorgeous, soon to be sister-in-law, as she has told myself and Remus that she sometimes feels as though she's something other than just female, which we both accept and embrace. Though, I realise that I need to make haste with continuing to scale down the side of the palace wall if I wanted to get to our meeting spot before they all left.

"My deepest apologies to you, my nuisance of a brother, and the same to you my dear Janus, but my presence was required by the lake nearly an hour ago, but mother and father had duties they insisted I was to fulfil, as somebody was too busy with his fiance to fulfil them himself. So, with all due respect, I'll be on my way." I flashed a charming grin at Janus, who gave a small smile with a nod of the head in return. Then, once I was in the midst of climbing to the level just below their shared balcony, I paused. Turning quickly, I made eye contact with Remus, stuck my tongue out at him, then focused my complete attention back on scaling down the wall. I chuckle quietly to myself at hearing my brother's sounds of indignation as well as hushed whispers trying to calm him down.

I finally make to the muddy patches of dirt that surround the castle's rear wall. Once off the muck that is left from my constant trampling, I start heading to the far ends of the castle gardens, where a small section of shrubbery often finds it hard to grow. Little do most of the gardeners know, it's because that's the path that two of the castle workers and myself take to sneak out and meet by an absolutely beautiful lake a little ways into the woods that are behind the castle. As I made my way through the shrubbery, I turn back and glance up at the balcony to see Remus and Janus both looking down at me, offering a wave each as I smile up at them and turn back around.

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