We're all a little mad.

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Warnings: Literally one swear word, sort of angst? Let me know if I missed anything.

It was fairly late in the evening when Remus and I arrived back at the apartment we shared with our partners. Today we made a significant break through in our work that could be our chance to get our life's works out into the world, and for us to finally gain the funding and recognition we deserve. Though, with this, our worries we had first going into our field came into full fruition: How would Janus and Virgil react to the fact that their boyfriends are scientists working on building a portal to other dimensions.

This was the topic of our discussion on the hour drive back.

"I feel like Vee would freak out a bit at first but then maybe they'd get super excited and ask about other conspiracy theories. Jan on the other hand..." Remus trailed off at that. We sighed in sync at the thought of our other boyfriend's reaction. Knowing Janus as well as we do, you learn that there are not many things that can set him off. However, a big one for him has always been keeping secrets. But, that's where our problems lie, as we never found a good time to tell our two datemates that we were scientists working on communications with alternate realities. We couldn't tell the two of them too soon, as that would just give off all sorts of absolutely bat-shit crazy vibes. But then, even now when we've all been dating each other for almost four years, they're both still in the dark about how we earn a living and spend extra free time on.

"We know that he won't like it. It'll most likely cause a bump in our relationship for a bit, possibly permanently as much as I hate to say it. But we of all people cannot ignore all the possibilities. I believe it to be best if we simply just come out and say it, forgive the phrasing." During this time I elect to simply keep my eyes on the road, but Remus' small flinch and sudden tensing is not lost on me. He's afraid to loose something we've all worked on together for years. Anybody would be afraid to loose something that they've invested so much time into.

After a moment of pause to contemplate whether or not he should speak out, he decides to share his thoughts. "Are we... Are we going to tell them everything? Or just that we're scientists, or give vague details on our project..?" His voice is meek and his concern clearly shines through. He's having obvious second guesses about our conclusion to tell the other two. "Oh! Or maybe we could tell them about one of our less extreme ones and work our way up to the portal! Or- or maybe-"

"Remus." I cut him off with a stern voice, showing that I'm not leaving any room to debate with my next statement. "We need to tell them everything. They're already going to be deeply hurt by the fact that we've kept them from our work for this amount of time. I'd think it best for us to share most of this information at once, so as to hopefully show them that we do still trust them, and so we can regain their trust back slightly faster. But we have to be kind to ourselves and understand that there is most likely going to be a level of that foundation lost." I arrive at a red stop light as my speech finishes. I turn my head to look at Remus looking dejectedly out the window, tears starting to pool in his eyes. This time I sigh alone, as I reach over to hold his hand and quickly give him a hug.

His shock is evident when I wrap my arms around his torso, but he quickly moves past that to hug me in return. As he does so he pats my back as an indication to let go, and as I face him again he wordlessly points to the traffic lights turning from red to yellow. I spare a quick smile at him as I return my full attention to the road. We're only about five minutes from our shared apartment, and it's at this point I also feel my nerves coming into full swing. However, I'm spurred to keep an outwardly calm appearance by how wrecked Remus looks going into this. It's going to seriously shake us both and I doubt we'll have a productive day tomorrow.

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