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They just stared at each other. Not knowing what to say. This had never happened before. They were about to say something when Louis' bedroom door came flying open.

"Is everyone ok?? I heard yelling coming from in here." Jay said worried. They were still looking at each other. 'Was it that loud?' they both thought. "No we're ok mum. Just had a bad dream." Louis said and his mum nodded and walked away.

They were left alone again. "Uh... I-Im sorry." Harry started and looked down at his and Louis' bulges. "Uh. It's ok. I'm sorry t-too. We should get some sleep..." Louis said trying to ease the tension.

"Yeah. Sorry. Night Lou." Harry said as his face turned bright red.


It had been a few weeks and they both had thought the other had forgotten about what had happened.

Lou: Hazza you wonna come over? .x

Harry smiled but it was quickly gone as he remembered what happened last time.

Haz: yeah sure, but I can't stay over.

Lou: ok well hurry up, I have news!

Haz: yeah, ok. Coming now :)

Harry got nervous. He didn't think much because he knew Louis didn't like him back. So he got ready and started walking over.

Once he got to the door, he knocked and Louis answered. "Harry!!" He shouted as he usually does, "Louis!!" Harry shouted back holding back his laughed.

"Come in and hurry uuuuup" Louis urged. "Ok ok" Harry answered.

They walked up the stairs to Louis room, Louis sat on his bed and Harry pulled a chair out from his desk. "What's up?" Harry asked. Eager to know what Louis had to say.




"Yes, almost there..."


"Fucks sake Louis spit it ou-"

"A girlfriend!"

Harry's heart sank. Louis has a girlfriend? Well what did he expect? Him and Louis to be together forever, no.

"Yay Louis! What's her name?" Harry answered trying his hardest to match Louis' energy. "Eleanor." Louis answered back with a smile.

"When did you start dating?" Harry asked trying to hold himself together. "Today actually. She came around and asked me out. I don't know if it was for a dare or something or, I don't know. But yeah. Today." He finished off smiling.

After they did a bit of homework and stuff due the next week, Harry went home before they could even have dinner. "Why are you leaving so early?" Louis asked pouting. "Cause it's getting late Lou. I'll come around tomorrow? Or you can come over?" Harry suggested.

"Yay ok. I'll come over tomorrow." Louis said getting happy again. "Bye" Harry said as he walked out. "Bye Hazza" Louis said closing his front door.


I don't know. Was that a good chapter? I'll try to make the next one better. I have a family thing tomorrow so I'll try to update a lot today. Let me know what you think? Tell me something about you xx tpwk ❤️

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