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"So what happened with El last night?" Harry asked as they walked to school. "Nothing." Louis forgot about the lie and had to think of something. Fast. "We just had a stupid argument. It's ok now."

"Ok. You know you can talk to me yeah?" Harry said turning to Louis. "Yeah I know Haz" Louis said putting his arm to rest on Harry's shoulders.


Harry and Louis had most of their classes together. But one of the class also had Eleanor in. As they walked in they looked around to find there usual seats taken. So they looked around for a new spot.

They were about to sit down when Louis got tugged away. "Hey-" Louis turned his head to the person pulling him to see Eleanor. "Oh hey." He said with a smile.

Harry's faced dropped as he watched Louis getting taken away. He couldn't do anything though, so he sat down at his new desk and watch Louis trying to do work while Eleanor bugged him for the whole lesson.

Finally it ended and Louis got up to go see Harry but he was already out the door. They both had to walk so Louis knew he would see Harry at some stage of the trip back. And didn't worry.

Harry's pov

I needed to get out of there. So as soon as the bell went, I left. Louis and I usually walk home together but I couldn't bring myself to walk with him. What if El came? What if they flirted in front of him? What if they kiss? Have they even kissed yet?

Harry was pulled out of his voice as someone yelled at him. "HEY FAG" Harry didn't turn around. He didn't want to. He didn't even know if they were talking to him. No one knew he was gay.

"FAG IM TALKING TO YOU!" This time Harry turned around. His eyes met with a stranger. A group? About 5 men started walking towards him. Harry's heart beat quickened.

He turned around and started walking faster. "I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE FAG" Another voice yelled. Harry started running when he heard the sound of heavy footsteps.

He was so scared he didn't know where he was going. He was long gone off the path of where him and Louis walk to school. He reached a quiet road. But he recognised it. It was right outside the place him and Louis used to always go to eat.

He reached a corner. Not knowing until it was too late that he had trapped himself.

"Go away... Please." Harry whimpered. As he backed into the wall. The men got closer and circled him. Preventing him from moving.

"You like sucking dick?"

"You slut!"


"Go die!"

"I bet you're just a boy who can't even get a girl!"

They all shouted. Harry let the words sink in as he started falling to the ground. He was getting beaten. 5 men punching and kicking him with no mercy.

"Stop! Please stop! Let me go please!"

Harry shouted and tears stained his cheeks. "Not letting go fag! You need to know your worth!!"

Harry begged "please... Let me go..." He blacked out.


Louis' pov

Where was Harry? Louis walked all the way home and there was still no sight of him. He decided to go past his house as he walked up their street. He knocked on the door.

Anne opened up. "Harry you live here you don't have to-" "hi Anne. I'm guessing Harry's not home?" Louis said as Anne looked at him with side eyes.

"Wait, he's not with you?" She said sounding worried. "No I think he's angry at me or something. We usually walk home together but he left before I could even get a word in..." Louis said sounding sad that his best mate didn't even say goodbye.

"This isn't like Harry. Something has happened." Anne said trying to sound strong. "I'll go for a walk around and look for him. He can't be far. I'll bring him home." Louis said reassuringly.

"Ok. Thank you Louis. And please, be careful with him." She said as she started closing the door. "Always" Louis said before turning around to find Harry.


Please let me know what you think. I don't think the story is very good. No one is reading or commenting. 😔 I'll keep writing just for personal reasons. Tpwk ❤️

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