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He has been looking for Harry for almost an hour now. Be decided to go back to Anne to see if they could take their car and drive around. But as he was walking he thought of the one place he hadn't gone to.

He started running towards their favourite food place. Hoping and praying Harry would be there.

He turned the corner of the place and saw a lifeless Harry. Laying in the dark. Louis sprinted over. "Harry!! Oh my god oh my god!" He shouted as he ran towards him.

His hair was covered in blood and he was laying so still Louis didnt know if he was even breathing. "Harry can you hear me?..." He said trying to hold back tears.

Harry layed there. He didn't answer Louis or do anything. Louis was so scared. With all his strength he picked Harry up and carried him home. Louis walked into his house (Louis' house) and layed him on his bed. "Harry please. If you can hear me. Do something." Louis pleaded.

Harry's eyes opened ever so slightly. "Stop! Please, let me go! Let me- ugh owe!!" He shouted reaching up to his head. "Harry it's me. It's Louis. I'm here ok I'm here. Your safe now." He said wrapping Harry in his arms.

"Louis?..." He whispered. "Yes Harry. It's me." He pulled back from the hug. "Ouch. Louis my head... My head, it hurts... Uh..." He said grabbing his head again.

"Close your eyes baby, ok? I've got you." Louis didn't realise he let the word slip until the end of his sentence. "W-what?..." Harry asked in shock.

"Nothing Harry. Close your eyes." Louis insisted.

Harry was cold and knocked out bad. Louis had to get him changed. He positioned Harry so his head was on a pillow. He began taking Harry's shirt off. He knew that things might get weird if he looked too long. He started on Harry's pants and could help but stare when he saw the outline of Harry's 'package' through his boxers.

Louis quickly found some big enough clothes for him and called Anne. "Hey Anne."

"Louis oh my god. Is Harry with you? Is he ok?" She asked in a worried tone.

"He's going to be ok. I found him outside this place where we usually eat together. He was on the ground unconscious. I carried him home and I'm taking care of him. When he's up to it, I'll walk him home ok? You're more than welcome to come and see him." Louis said hoping for the best that Anne wasn't mad at Louis for not being with Harry.

"Ok ok thank you so much Louis. It's getting late so I'll come around in the morning ok? Thank you so much." She said hanging up the call.

It was getting late. Louis decided to have a shower. As he grabbed his things he heard a voice. "Lou..."

He turned around and saw Harry. "Harry hi. Are you feeling any better?" He asked sitting next to him on the bed. "Uh, I think so. My head hurts." "Aw Harry. I'm so sorry I wasn't with you. I'm such a terrible friend." Louis said resting his head in his hands.

"No you're not Lou Lou. You're the best." Harry said trying to sit up and give Louis a hug. Instead grabbing him and bringing him down on top of himself.

They both stared at each other. Until Harry spoke up. "Sorry. This must be weird for you haha" he tried to ease the tension. Just as Louis was about to speak his phone started ringing. He got up and saw that it was Eleanor calling.


Poor Harry :( I'll try to make the next chapter better. Tpwk ❤️

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