Chapter 25: Will you be my girlfriend ??

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Txunamy's POV

Its been two weeks since i packed to my Apartment and am done with registering my courses and Exams for the Seniors were over so here i am stuck in the house ....Going Home in Florida doesn't really matter as i would still be bored as fuck and my big bro doesn't go home so no use ..... So i got a routine of Netflixing and chilling and am getting really use...........

" Hey Princess " it was Puke guy and i still dont know his name yet neither does he know mine

" Hiiii Puke Guy "

" can you please stop calling me that it really ridiculous "

" but i dont know your name ?? "

" did you care to know?? "

" Like you cared to know mine ?? "

" you're Txunamy right??? "

" Wh-what how did you know my name "

" Can we talk??? "

" Sure If we're talking of how you knew my name "

"Yeah "

" then let's get to it "

he sat down on the couch and we started

" you were involved in a accident right ?? "

"Yeah and how did you know that "

"Calm down princess I want to get something straight"

" Ok go on"

"i was also involved in the same accident but i dont remember anything and that day you kissed me it felt really........... "

" Familiar?? " i cut him off

" Yeah !!! and while you were asleep i heard her telling my best friend that we met before they could sort things out or something ??? "

" and who is this your best friend ???? "

" Alex "

" Alex???? "

" Yeah "

" This means there's a mystery between Courtney been my best friend and Alex been your own best friend .... "

" Yeah but we can start afresh again maybe it might really help us solve the mystery "

" That's Right "

" Cool am Dylan " he said extending his hand...

" Am txunamy "

" Nice to meet you Txunamy "

" Same here " i replied smiling at him i think i just noticed that he is handsome

" Drooling Over Me Txu ??? "

" What No!!! Shoot did i say that loud ?? "

" Yes you did but it fine anyways mind playing a game "

" no which one??"

" Truth or dare "

" Yeah sure "

" ok Truth or Dare "

" Truth "

" Are you glad you met me ??? "

"What !! is that a question i mean i just met you about some nano seconds ago but YES you're actually pretty cool "

" I said it!! " he screamed standing up and doing a victory dance

" Truth or Dare " i asked him immediately he calmed down

" Dare "

" Cool" i smiled mischievously to my self

" i dare you to pick up the converse you wore out last and lick the back of it " i continued

" What that's harsh "

" Orrrr............." he cut me off

" or what ... i kiss you ???? "

" N-No Th-That N-Not I-It '' i Stuttered and before i knew it his lips were already on mine begging for entrance and just as i gave him the entrance things got clearer

Flashback to the accident day:

Just as i kissed him he hit this car that was on the road and things became blurry

Txunamy!!! he called me 

"I d-dont k-know i-if a-am d-dead o-or n-not b-but p-promise m-me t-that i-if a-anything h-happens t-to u-us r-right n-now y- you w-will f-find a w-way o-of c-coming b-back t-to m-me e-even i-if w- we a-are re-reincranated be-because I -I Love you " And that was last i heard before somethig hit my head and i went off......................

We both withdrew from the kiss at the same time and ...........


" TXUNAMY " we both screamed at the same time

"You came back '' he started first hugging me so tight

"I knew something important was missing in my life since the day i woke up but i couldn't place my hand on it " he continued

"But am back now right yeah"

" So can i ask you something ??? "

" yeah sure "

" you since when i have known you i have never had the nerve to ask you out but today i think i can manage you not been mine so Txunamy Norman would you do me the honours of been my girlfriend ??? "

" Am sorry but Y fucking ES i mean why wouldn't i be your girlfriend ??? "

"really?? "

"yeah "

" I love you Txunamy and i really mean it "

" I love you more Dylan"

Authors note
so we have come to the fucking end of this story and i want to thank you all for sticking up to me but i will advice you to stop reading this shitty Authors note and scroll down a bit lol

And the next minute we are here savouring each others lips and taste but you know theres always a spoiler of good mood so ours is that Someone knocked

" Urghhhhh " Dylan groaned and went to open the door while i followed him closely

A pettite brunette girl was there by the door

" What are you doing here Chole ??? " Dylan asked grittting his teeth in what is supposed to be anger am sorrry but I can be dumb at times...

" Baby look am sorry but can i come in first ??? " the brunette who i guess is Chole as Dylan called her spoke up

" Look Chole i moved on already and right now I am having a quality time with my girlfriend so if you dont mind shushhh " Dylan answered her

" Girlfriend ?? " she asked right there i came into the picture

" Right here " i said with an unknown confidence and her eye brows raised


To be continued Guys
I guess the Battle line has just been drawn .........

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