Chapter 10

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Chapter dedicated to @casskrause09 , thank you for the votes. :)


"Oops," he chuckled. I glanced at him in confusion. "They said not to touch the masterpieces." He shrugged and smiled a cheeky smile.

I blushed and smiled as he lightly pressed his lips on mine again. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I softly kissed him back. I don't think kissing him would ever make it feel natural, he made my heart skip beats and my legs go numb.

"Where are we going?" I asked after I pulled away.

He groaned. "One more?" His eyes were on my lips, I felt like melting into his arms right there.

I nodded as I quickly pecked his lips. He smiled as he laced his fingers with mine. "Let's go see another exhibit."

"Okay," I said as he lead me through the building.

I leaned my head onto his shoulder, I felt him kiss the top of my head as we walked.

After viewing several artworks and artifacts, I began to get tired from the walking. I looked over at Norman who happened to be gazing down at me with some expression.

"What?" I asked self consciously.

"Nothing," he said as he blushed.

"Wait, are you blushing?" I teased him. Finally, I wasn't the only one blushing.

He blushed a little harder and began to cover his face. "No I'm not," he denied.

"Sure," I said as I chuckled.

"How about we go to that bridge?" He uncovered his face and wrapped his arms around me.

"Okay." I smiled.


"It's so beautiful here," I said as I leaned over the bridge's wall.

We had taken a taxi after getting out of the museum. The ride was silent, the good part was that I was warmed up by his arms. He held me a lot and I liked it.

"It always is," he said. I felt his arm go around my waist. "Like you," he said quietly as he kissed my cheek.

I smiled as I held his head and kissed his lips softly.

I pulled away and looked down the bridge. "I want to know a little bit more about you," I said as I ran my finger through the snow covered brick. I brushed away some of the snow that had fallen onto it. I felt my finger go numb from the coldness.

"What do you want to know?" He put his arms around my waist, rested his chin on my shoulder. I felt his breath against my neck, it tickled from his touch.

"Well, the past relationships you had," I asked, "how many did you have or were they serious?"

"I only had one serious one," he said. He grew silent as I waited for him to continue. "It was nothing, eventually I got over it," he said vaguely. "What about you?" he asked.

I breathed, watching the white ghosts dance in the air. "I had one, the guy was a jerk," I said as I looked down. "I don't ever want to see his face again," I said. I looked, remembering the stuff that he did.

Norman noticed my sadness. "Hey," he said in a comforting tone, "if I ever see his dumb a-"

"Norman," I said quietly as I put my arms around his neck. "You don't have to do anything," I said. "Are we officially a couple?"

"Definitely yes," he said as he gently pressed his lips on mine.

I felt my insides squeal of excitement and happiness.

"That's very nice," I sighed as I broke away from him. "But I still want to know a little bit more about you."

"Okay, what would you like to know?" He asked. His breath making smoke like figures in the air.

"Um, what's your occupation?" I asked after not really thinking up anything.

"A job," he replied with a smile. "Move onto the next question," he said.

"Okay, um, why the name? Is it after some relative?" I asked.

"Yes," he said. "I was named after my father, Norman."

"Oh," I replied. I thought about it and looked up to notice that he was studying me.

"What about you?" His eyebrows raised, he held a teasing manner as he trapped me into his arms. "Your name?"

"In a way," I said vaguely. I thought it was silly how my name could be coincidental.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"You won't tell me everything, then I won't tell you everything either," I teased, I kissed him on the lips.

He smiled and looked around. "Look at the sun set," he pointed out.

The sun had begun to set as we were speaking. The day had gone by so fast that I hadn't bothered to check my surroundings.

"It's lovely," I admired at the view.

"Yes it is, let's go," he said after looking around the place.

I looked at him with a puzzled expression. "Why?"

"I don't want it to be so dark for you," he said. I looked at him with a questioning look. He noticed my questioning look and asked, "What?"

"Nothing," I said as I brushed it off. I fixed my coat, rubbing off any snow that had clung to it and looked into his blue eyes.

"Let's go, beautiful," he teased as he lightly gave me a peck on the lips.

"Don't you like to kiss me a lot?" I chuckled.

"Yes," he said as he gave me a kiss on my cheek, "I do," he said kissing me on my other cheek.

"Reedus kisses," I said quietly.

"What was that?" he asked.

"Nothing," I chuckled as he pulled me to his side as we were going to head towards my place.

As we exited the park and walked on the sidewalks, it was quiet between us, not the awkward but the nice silent ones. I was deep in thought, thinking about the day's events.

Sadly, we didn't see the woman. She was an adorable old lady.

"We're here," he said as he broke me away from my thoughts.

Blinking as I adjusted to reality, I saw his crooked smile.

I wrapped my arms around him, my hands running through his hair as I kissed him softly. I felt him chuckle on my lips.

"What's so funny?" I asked as I pulled away from me.

"Don't you like to kiss me?" He teased me with the words I had said to him. I rolled my eyes until I realized that he was going to leave.

"Can you stay for a few more minutes?" I asked as I lightly tugged his coat. "How about we stay in my place for a little bit," I said.

He gave me a small smile before interlocking his fingers with mine. I smiled as I led him to my apartment.

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