Chapter 30

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Chapter dedicated to Matheart96


We stood outside of my hotel. Meeting there after he called me up in a tone that I didn't quite recognize, which made me kind of get nervous. I didn't know what had been going through his mind for a week.

"Let's go to the bridge," he said softly. He looked at me carefully, with those blue eyes of his. They have never stood out like this, they did shine but not as brightly as it is right now. I felt my spine go up in chills as I realized that he needed to tell me something.

"Sure," I said breathlessly. I began to feel nervous from that state of his. It could make the most cockiest guy on earth feel self conscience.

He held out his arm for me to take, I wrapped my arm around his and let him lead me to the park.

After several minutes, I began to ponder about what he was thinking. To be honest, I was kind of afraid because he seemed so serious. Not his little happy, awkward self, but his business side seemed to stand out today. "Norman?"

It was silent for several moments, when he finally glanced at my face and back to the front of us. "Yeah?"

"Are you alright?"

"Not really," he said vaguely. He didn't say anymore after that.

I took it as a sign to not bother him. He hadn't been talking much after Teddy's small funeral. He was stone silent the whole time, I couldn't help but shed some tears when I caught another glimpse of Teddy's relaxed face. It scared me, it wasn't an image I wanted to remember.

"Look," I said. I tugged his elbow, hoping to get some reaction out of him. He tiled his head towards me, just a notch. "I know that you didn't know Teddy well, and that you probably didn't like him much, but I want to say this, he was a good friend and if you have any problem with him, just go ahead and tell me."

He huffed.

"What?" I asked.

"I didn't like him much. He was okay, but he made me jealous when he would try to get your attention from me. I feel awful, freaking bad for what happened four days ago. I thought that maybe they would ignore you as a target, and it scares me to wake up without you beside me, or just a phone call, text message away. If he hadn't been in the way, you probably would have gotten the bullet in your head."

He looked down, his eyes glistened from the tears that were about to burst out from his eyes. He looked up, he gently caressed the side of my face and kissed my forehead.

"I love you, Norman." I wrapped my arms around his waist and close my eyes as I inhaled his familiar scent. I felt his arms go around me, gently, as if I might go away.

"We're close to the bridge." He pointed to one of the grand entrances to Central Park. I smiled as I held on and thought about the small, momental experiences we had at this park, and the small bridge.

When we got nearer to the bridge, it made me think about my life. Out of all the bridges, it was this one that was sentimental to me. It's where our small first date had happened, and that seemed like it happened in forever when it was really just two months ago.

I ambled my way to the side of the bridge that we always looked out to.

"I like your outfit." I pointed towards the hat he was wearing. "You seemed to be dressed up as those 1950s mobsters," I joked. "I forgot which exact decade it is."

He smiled. "That's the joke I'm trying to make."

I nodded and brushed my fingers onto the dark bricks. It was still cold, but the snow had been disappearing from the streets and sidewalks. My fingers felt numb on the tips, I rubbed my hands together to get the blood rushing on them again.

"Is there something you want to say?" I felt nervous. Norman stood there, his face was still as he relaxed and breathed out.

"Yeah," he said quietly in a silent voice.

"Fire away," I stated. I looked down, my stomach sinking as it knew where this was going. It was better this way, him telling me instead of torturing me like the last relationship I had. I would rather have the truth sprung onto me than be alone and fighting my way out.

"Look," he started, "I don't know if I should be with you." The words stung, left in the air as it kept sinking in to my core of existence. I loved the man so much that it hurt more than I would have thought. "And-"

"Can I say something," I quietly interrputed. He nodded as he waited for me to began. "I have fallen in love for you in just the matter of days. I feel that it means something. I'm not sure if you've felt it, but I have. This is, this is something I thought had never existed. And you, you brought it upon me. So thank you."

He strained his eyes shut. "Look, I love you. But I'm putting you in danger."

"Hell with the danger," I argued. I looked down, keeping myself together. "Fine, just fine, tell me what you're going to decide and I'll be alright with it.

He stood silent. "I don't want to keep you in the line of danger."

"So this is it?" I asked. My hands fell to the sides as I watched his careful blue eyes.

"Yeah." He breathed out.

I felt tears began to form but I pushed them back. I wasn't going to let him see that I was weak. I'm not weak.

"Just like that," I said out of breath. I looked down, gathering up some courage to say goodbye. "Okay, I'm-"

I stopped myself as I saw Norman get down on one knee. A smile spread across his face as he pulled out a small black box. He opened the box, breathed out, and looked up. "Echo, I promise to love you everyday. Will you-"

"Yes," I said happily. He chuckled.

"You didn't let me finish." He pouted. "Will you marry me?" I smiled and nodded. I embraced him, feeling his warmth and comfortness. "Look, I know it's going fast but I want to make sure it's alright with you. I don't want you feel that you're obligated to be with me. You're not, but I don't-"

"Oh shut up." I chuckled. "I freaking love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I poked his nose. "Quit being adorable with your awkwardness and kiss me already."

He chuckled and pressed his lips onto mine. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck and felt his hands roam my back. His kiss always sent electrifying currents through me. He pulled away and spined me around, I giggled as he set me down.

"I want you to run away with me." His blue eyes searched deeply into my soul, waiting for my response."

"Yes," I said. "Let's get away from those enemies of yours." I quickly kissed his lips. "I love you."

"Forever and ever?" he asked, his blue eyes shining.

"Forever and ever," I confirmed.

"Forever and ever," he echoed back.


Shoutout to TacoDixon for making the banner. :)

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