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"You okay?" Dakota laughed as the man before her was at a loss for words.

"I think so," Jimmy regained his composure and started the car. "It's definitely a lot seeing you in action like that."

"This is only the beginning." She sighed and looked out the window. "You must be careful Jimmy. The agency has had a long record with Knox. We've been trying to put him away for years, and he won't stop until he gets you back for what you did."

Jimmy ran his hands through his hair. Frustration and fear running through his body, the feeling of being watched and taunted 24/7 would get to anybody. But he didn't think this would happen to him. He knew he did some shady stuff in his past, but none this major that would lead to him potentially getting killed. The scariest thing though, he was constantly traveling and being out, paparazzi waiting to get a picture of him. He was a big public figure now, especially since he was out of Tom Brady's shadow. Being his own person, his own quarterback, his own leader of his own team.

"Did I scare you?" Dakota laughed. She pulled down the mirror and looked at her reflection, fixing her hair.

"Just a bit... This is the most interesting first date I ever had." Jimmy smirked.

"Who said this was a date?" She put the mirror back up.

"Why can't it be?" Jimmy asked as they pulled up to the hotel parking lot. Dakota got out of the car once he finished parking.

"Because my job is to protect you Garoppolo." She crosses her arms and stood before him.

"I know." Jimmy bit his lip. "What's the harm in taking our relationship a step further?"

Dakota laughed and flipped her hair, "Relationship? I'm assigned to literally take a bullet for you."

"And I'd take one for you too because that's just how much I'm falling for you."

She licked her lips and looked at him. "Nah, I'm more of a 'strictly business' type." Dakota informed the man standing in front of her.

"Well lucky for you, I like to mix business with pleasure." His voice became husky. He slowly leaned in to her and smiled. The closer he got, the more fun it became for Dakota.

Centimeters away from each other's lips, Dakota ducked under him. "Nice try Romeo."

His head went down and he sighed. "You're a tough one to crack."

"You haven't seen nothing yet." She smirked and walked to the elevator.

"Wait up!"

The Next Day

"So how did last night go?" Deebo asked Jimmy, as all the guys were stretching at practice.

"Well, the dinner went amazing until it turned to a shootout." He sighed.

"A shootout?!" Nick freaked.

"Get a grip Bosa." George shook his friend. "How come you didn't say anything? I texted you four times last night! You just read it, you're the worst texter."

"You're just making up words now." Richard scoffed. "She handled it well or else you wouldn't be here right now."

"She's definitely someone I want to get to know more." Jimmy confessed.

"You're not getting attached are you?" Deebo looked at him. "I thought it was just a one casual date and you're done?"

"Yeah, what's going to happen when this is all over and their mission is complete?" Richard added in.

"If this is ever over." Nick mumbled.

"It will be." George said. "Right Jim?"

Jimmy stayed quiet and shrugged. "I guess we just have to wait and see."

"Okay but there's a high chance they'll catch Knox. What'll happen with you and Dakota if, which it probably, will happen?" Deebo urged.

George took a sip of water before speaking, "Jim you know you shouldn't get too close. They have a mission, they're professionals. Once this is over then they're gone."

"Maybe we should just get started on practice." Nick suggested. "Did you guys forget, our, job is to play football and keep our streak alive to get to the super bowl?"

"I'm pretty sure it's against for her to fall for one of her clients she is assigned to." Richard spoke.

"Is she even allowed to date?" George asked.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it!" Jimmy yelled, frustrated. "Cmon let's focus guys, we have a game Sunday, let's keep our winning streak alive."

"Fine. We'll drop it." Deebo put his hands up. "For now."

"Where are the guys from the shootout?" Noah asked Dakota.

"Dead." She replied as she helped Alex with the new gadgets they got.

"More and more rats Knox keeps sending to do his dirty work." Thomas shook his head. "He's one smart man."

"Too smart for his own good." Alex scoffed.

"He's definitely planning something big then, I mean, how many people has he sent?" Cassie asked. "If they haven't been able to put Jimmy under the ground, then he is getting ready for us."

"When was the last time you guys saw him?" Dakota said towards the group.

Noah sighed, "Over six years ago. He tried setting me and Thomas up at the Empire State building."

Thomas growled. "Bastard tried drowning us to death."

"Well I only seen him once, me and Dakota." Cassie said. "He didn't do anything to major, just kept up his infamous bombs."

"Lucky you guys." Alex countered. "I ran into him twice, both involved his bombs too."

"That is what he's known for." Dakota perked up. "And that is what we should be watching out for and finding!"

"What? Just search for bombs everywhere we go?" Noah said, puzzled.

"No no, I think I know." Thomas snapped his fingers and went to the computer. "The bombs... Its like his trademark."

Alex joined Thomas, "Yeah, you're right. It's the most common weapon he uses to take down his enemies."

"We just need to figure out a counter to them." Cassie remarked.

"We'd need inside information on those types of bombs. Where would we get that?" Noah questioned.

After a few moments of silence and thinking, Thomas spoke. "Jimmy."

"Ah yes, Romeo." Noah put his hand over his heart.

Dakota rolled her eyes. "We all know that I'm no Juliet."

"Alright well, this is our next step to finding Knox and taking him down." Alex stated. "You guys ready?"

They are looked at each other and smirked. "Always."

to be continued

𝓤𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓒𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻 (A Jimmy G Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now