Chapter 1: The New Twins

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"Come on," Caroline pleaded as she tugged her brother by his arm to get into Ditka High School. 

"No no," her brother, Cole, groans as he tries to stop her from bringing him into the main hallway of the school. He attempted to drag his feet, but it was no use because he was already there. 

"Aw man, we're here," Cole wines as he looks around at his surroundings. 

"Yeah, we only got here because I had to tug you into the car, then I had to tug you out of the car and then into the school. I am so exhausted," Caroline says panting with her hands on her knees. 

"It's not my fault I didn't want to be here," Cole responds. Caroline straightens back up to give him a look and does not even say a word. 

"Hey, I thought you didn't want to go because of 'social interaction' and you hate being with a lot of people in one room," Cole adds. He makes air quotes with his fingers as he says "social interaction" as a way to mock Caroline. Cole is never serious when mocking Caroline and they very often pass the bickering back and forth. 

"Hey, the quicker we are here, the quicker it starts, and the quicker it's over," Caroline explains while waving her finger in the air to make her point more clear.

They set out to find their lockers but failed to do so. 

They see a girl with blonde hair walking by and Cole rushes over to get help from her. 

"Hey, do know where these lockers are," Cole asks the girl as he shows her the paper that has the locker numbers on it. {END OF EDITING HERE}

"They are next to mine, here let me show you," the girl tells them. Caroline and Cole follow the girl over to where her locker is. "There you go," The girl says as she points the lockers on each side of hers. (Caroline's locker, then Lindy's, and then Cole's). 

"Thanks. I am Cole by the way and this is my twin sister Caroline," Cole says as he points to himself and then at Caroline. 

"You're welcome! I am Lindy and if you guys need any help getting around the school just let me know," Lindy says as she starts to walk off. 

"Will do," Cole says. Lindy is gone by now, and now it's time for them to get to class.

*Time skip*

After the first part of the day, it's time for lunch. Caroline and Cole get their lunch and then try to look at where to sit. "Hey, Cole and Caroline! You can sit over here," They hear Lindy say. 

"Oh no no she has friends," Caroline whispers to Cole, obviously not wanting to talk to too many people, as they walk over to the table. 

"Oh, hey, thanks," Cole says to all of them as he and Caroline sit down at the round table.

Cole sits next to Lindy and Caroline sits next to Garrett. "Cole, Caroline, this is Jasmine, Logan, Delia, and Garrett," Lindy says. 

They all say hi and introduce themselves, except for Caroline she is quiet and eating her lunch ignoring everything else going on. She only sometimes listens sometimes to their conversations. They get done with lunch and go to their next class. They all have the same next class which is math. They sit down and class begins. The teacher starts going over the homework assignment, and she calls on Caroline. 

"New girl in the back. Caroline is it? Would you like to answer the first problem on the board? It's okay if you don't know it since you are new," The teacher says.

New Beginnings - I Didn't Do It Fanfic [UNDER MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now