Chapter 13

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Grian watched as Mumbo fumbled for words, memories something that told him who he was and why he was with the hermits and failed.
"You know something, don't you Grian? What do you know- who am I?" He asked practically shouting, standing up and looming over the fae with desperation in his eyes.

"You're from a place called Tilbury. It's a small town and known for its trading ports. It was small enough that most people knew everyone else and were friendly with each other." Grian started.

"Why do you know more about me than I do?" Mumbo frowned, sitting down all the same as he was told his past. "What did you mean when you said 'So you could see it' when I first came? What does any of this have to do with me?"

Grian bit his lip, unsure of how to placate the redstoner outside of "I'll get there." which seemed to be enough for Mumbo.

"Your parents were often busy with chores, trying to find a living in the town. The other townsfolk knew this and often helped out raising you and your brother."

"I have a brother...?"

"Yes, you did. He was older than you by a year and a few months and he did his best to help the family as well. Your brother was rather ordinary but you. Well...the fae loved to watch you.
"Once they realised you could see them, they started playing with you- holding berries above your head to watch you giggle and reach for them or otherwise make silly faces at you. They adored you, Mumbo. They didn't want to see you grow up out of fear that you'd lose the Sight." Grian paused, studying Mumbo as he took it all in. Surprisingly, he seemed to be taking it well, or maybe he was too shaken to really understand the implications of Grians words. All the same, he continued.

"So they...they made sure you didn't lose the Sight. Spirited you away into the faerie realm by leading you into a faerie circle when you were playing in the yard."

Mumbo glanced up, asking in a hushed tone. "Didn't my parents notice I was missing?"

"They would have, had the faeries not left a replacement. One of their own, masquerading as you so that the faeries could keep you as long as they could.
"You were raised by the fae, learning their language and script, their mannerisms and quirks. You could read their writing and understand their speech- it was all you knew after all. You didn't know anything different- they made it so that you wanted to stay with them, weaving memories in your head that weren't real- that you were abandoned by your parents and the fae rescued you from freezing to death."

" do you know all of this?" He asked. His heart felt heavy- maybe ignorance was better than this, maybe he shouldn't have asked, been content living how he was. Maybe he was better off without knowing that the fae stole him away.

Grian took a sharp breath. "I know because I was one of the faeries who played with you. We grew up together in the Seelie court.
"And I was also the faerie who took your memories away when you asked to leave the realm. You said you found a place that you wanted to visit for a bit- I presume it was this world- and that you'd like to stay there."

"So I can read your language because I grew up among it?" Mumbo asked.

"Yes, but also no.
" you know how faeries are made?"

"What are you saying, Grian."

"I'm saying that you spent so much time around the fae that you naturally picked up some of the magic. It slowly changed you."

"But everything that Scar did...the red and the iron and the runes- why didn't it affect me?" Mumbo frowned.

"Because you're a made faerie. I'm a natural-born one."

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