1- Royal Kingdom

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The kingdom of Seoul was a very peaceful place, it had everything a person could want. Advance technology, well built houses, parks, you name it they got it. But there was always a disturbance within the kingdom.

No one knew his name, but every report had the same description. A blond male, tall, thin, glasses. The male never bothered hiding his face, he breaks into homes and steals what he can as fast as he can. It amazes people how much he can grab in such a short time, it's their amazement of him that angers them more than his stealing.

The king was informed of every word and every sighting of the thief yet was never able to catch him.

"Your highness, I've report another sighting in Bukchon Hanok Village. He was reported to have taken many valuables possibly worth thousands." Said a messenger as he bowed to his king.

The male that sat on the thrown nodded, "Very well, has any guard been released to investigate and search for the thief?" He sighed, standing from his seat and walking past the messenger.

"Yes but we have he has already left the area."

"Alright, you may leave. Tell Commander Dowoon of this sighting, we are to start an official search party to finally bring this thief down."

"Yes, your highness."

The king left the room, along with the messenger. He trailed down the halls, looking for his room. He was known as King Kang Younghyun, he doesn't have a preferred title other than his name but no one refers to him in such a way. It was either 'your highness' or 'your majesty' and sometimes even 'sir king'. It didn't annoy him but more so bothered.

Of course he wouldn't speak of this to anyone, it wouldn't look bad but it would cause some loss of authority on his part. Which was something a king needed.

Younghyun layes in his bed, not paying mind to anything but what he prioritized. The tales of the infamous thief intrigued him, seeing him in person would certainly be something Younghyun would like to be able to do. His number one goal was to meet this thief and possibly have the blond male change his living style.

Yes, that's exactly what he'll do, he'll be sure of it.

"Sir king, I heard you requested a search party for our notorious thief?" Spoke a slightly deep voice, the king knew the owner of the voice well. Dowoon, the commander of the castle guards, very famous for his good looks and leading tone.

Younghyun day up from his bed and sighed, "If keeping guards all over Seoul is the only way to contain him then yes. We must find the blond who claims the items of others."

"Understood, sir, I'll be sure to him find him as soon as possible. Seeing as his stealings takes place at specific times and seems to have a pattern of locations, I am confident we will have him this time." The commander bowed before taking his leave, tonight he will make his king proud no matter what. He knew all too well, there was no need for guards to be placed all over Seoul, the next place the thief will be at is close enough.

It was dark now, just about two in the morning, the moon shined brightly over the village. The blond brushed back his hair and adjusted his thin circle glasses. He was finally going to do something dangerous, he was going to try and break into the palace.

"Dear mother, please be by my side and know I do this only to survive..." he silently prayed. He shook his head to get his nerves out the way, this was his routine before stealing. It was kind of a coping method.

He was already past the gate, now all he had to do was get inside the building.


"Stay where you are and you won't get hurt Mr. Thief!"

The blond groaned in annoyance, he knew he wasn't going to get out of this easily, he was the most wanted criminal in Seoul even though he never harmed a...no that would a lie, he has hurt people before.

"Oh? Is this the famous Commander Dowoon I've heard so much about? Tell me, how's the king doing ordering you around and you following like your some sort of robot?" The thief smirked slyly as he watched the commander flinch at these words. He knew the many weak points of people, sometimes they're hard to find but other times it's easy. It all depends on how readable the person is.

"Guards, get him!" Dowoon demanded.

"I see your no different than the king..." the thief mumbled before he dodged a blow from a guard. They had swords but with his quick reflexes he saw no reason to worry, it was keeping his guard up that worried him. He can't get more cocky than he already is.

A guard managed to get a small cut on his right cheek, it wasn't deep enough to leave a scar but it did hurt like hell. This had caught the thief off guard for just a second, but that was enough for another guard to strike. They managed to detain him as he struggled in their grip.

"You didn't seem to put much of a fight like I expected, Mr. Thief." Dowoon smirked at the thrashing thief before the guards knocked the blond unconscious. "Take him to the dungeon for now, the king must rest. He will meet with the thief at morning rise."

The commander couldn't help but think this was all too easy for a thief such as this one, but all things are possible.

Welcome to the madness
Second Jaehyungparkian boom

The Royal King Who Saw Heart In A Royally Equal Thief //Jaehyungparkian\\Where stories live. Discover now