13- Royal Ball Pt. 2

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Got lazy last chapter but gonna try to take this one seriously
Key word: try

"I know what you did there, sir Dowoon." Wonpil said as he walked up to the guard who watched the inside of the ballroom. He smirked up at Dowoon once he got next to him.

The younger glances over at the doctor before turning to face the room once again. "Oh? What would that be?" He said with a teasing tone. He and Wonpil never actually talked but have seen each other plenty of times. This being their first conversation was unexpected but it is what it is.(idk why I wrote that but ok)

"We already have a skillful guard to check our guests clothing, so I had wondered why had you chosen sir Jae to do so. Then had remembered about their quarrel and thought that this might be your way of having them spend more time together on non opposing terms."

Dowoon chuckled and gave a smile, "I did, though they have forgiven each other, I believe spending more time together would help them build more trust."

"Ah, you're a very smart guard, sir Dowoon."

"I am commender, after all. Dr Wonpil, correct?" Dowoon asked just Incase he was talking to the right person. Though Wonpil was the only doctor there, you just can't be too careful these days. The doctor nodded, "Sir king has been kind to us, I believe it is time we be kind to him."

Wonpil sighed and looked down at the drink in his hand, he held a doleful frown on his face, "I foresee a tribulation in our near future, our kingdom will be in a grim state soon enough. The king's happiness will die out soon."

"Huh? W-wait!" Dowoon wanted to ask Wonpil what he meant but the older male had walked away before he could say anything. "What exactly was that..?" He mumbled to himself.

Younghyun and Jae walked inside the ballroom, all guests on the list had entered the room so there was no need to continue to stand outside. "With that king here you are to stay by my side at all times."

Jae scoffed, "I don't see any difference from how it's always been even without him here, sir Brian."

"Back with the informal formality, glad to know your back to how I met you." The king smiled joyously at the taller male.

"It was just a phase, no need to make a big deal about it."

Sungjin stood next to his chofer, it was the only plus one guest he could take in that wouldn't spark suspicion with the king of Seoul. Also, Felix(ima say it now since I got asked when he was introduced, no technically I didn't think of this guy from Stray Kidz but I did some thinking and since I like his accent this will now be Lee Felix)was recently accepted to work for the palace, so there wouldn't be much conflict with Jae. He scanned the room and found the king and thief walking along side each other. Sungjin has to think of what he should do.

Their first interaction didn't go entirely as he had planned, he has to somehow speak to Jae without that king being around. "Felix, I need you to speak to the king of Seoul for me, inform him of a meeting that will be held in two days. Be sure to tell that we will speak at my kingdom and to bring that thief as well as any guard of his choosing."

"Yes sir, but why must I? Shouldn't it be a king to notify of a meeting?"

"That isn't quite possible at the moment, he won't let me be even six feet apart from him." He said with hints of anger in his voice. In was frustrating when he cannot get the job done on his own or when things do not go as smoothly as anticipated, but, that is just how life is and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

"Then I shall go now." Felix bowed quickly and went to speak with the king of Seoul.

Sungjin sighed as he grabbed himself a drink, tonight's plans will have to be put to a halt and a new one must be of order, he thought as he drank the liquid in his cup. Maybe when the meeting is to happen he will try to converse with Jae while Younghyun is occupied. That wouldn't work...maybe he will ask them to stay and find his way to Jae's room and speak with him. Not the most efficient thing to do, but it is something for now, just a draft.

He stopped his thinking when he saw Felix walking back to him, "He has accepted to invitation and will prepare for his arrival tonight. Though he had asked me of what this meeting will be about and is expected for me to enlighten him now."

"Tell him that we will discuss of a mutual agreement with trade in our kingdoms."

Well isn't that great, now he must come up with items to trade with Younghyun. Awesome...

*cough cough*foreshadowing the event of a meeting in chapter six*cough cough*

Speaking of coughing
Wear ur masks
This chapter took a bit since a close friend of mine had caught COVID during work
Stay safe stay healthy
Wear ur mask
Wear gloves if u must
And please if u don't have to leave ur house then don't

The Royal King Who Saw Heart In A Royally Equal Thief //Jaehyungparkian\\Where stories live. Discover now