5- Royal King

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It was near night in the kingdom of Busan, yet the king still makes orders in a desperate chase. He was in a panic and in anger. "Find that blond, he needs to learn who he belongs to..." he told a guard who gave a salute after receiving the order.

The king of Busan, otherwise known as King Sungjin, was well known to be possessive of the things he likes but never acted cruel. He was a good king but never acted like it so it's hard to tell when first meeting. He does tend to be angry but other than that he was kind.

At the current moment, he couldn't sleep, he found it hard to. The person he cared about the most has disappeared over a year ago but he stills wants to find him. He misses him very much. He misses the feeling of the blond's body in his arms, he misses the small morning kisses that randomly came, he misses everything.

What was he to do now that this person had left him with nothing. That very day when he left, a good portion of the castle's values was gone and so was Sungjin's love of his life.

The only thing they can conclud was that the blond had ran away, reasons are unsure. They treated him with much care, provided him with everything, gave him anything he desired. It seemed he had wanted more  than what was asked.

"That damn thief..."

All a thief does is steal. That is what a thief is. They take thing from others, be it an item or a person. This thief in particular can steal things without the person even knowing.

Every thief has a different waning to them, thief of pride—steals a person's self confidence—,thief of desire—steals a person's needs, takes something one cannot get back—,thief of love—steals the heart.

The blond thief that has ran away from Busan was a thief of both desire and love, he had stolen Sungjin's heart and trust as well as his desires. Everything was taken without a second thought.

For that, he had despised the thief but still felt some sort of love for him. It was confusing.

Meanwhile, the king of Seoul watched as Jae uncomfortably walked towards the bed. It would be their first time sharing, Younghyun was just fine with it but Jae was still nervous.

"And you promise not try anything, sir Brian?" He asked nervously with slight attitude. He shifted his weight on to one leg as he looked anywhere but at the king.

"Of course not, I am not like that." Younghyun gently patted the bed as he waited for the tall thief to get on so they can rest for the night. He wondered just why exactly was Jae so nervous, it's not like he would like a man such as him, he is the one trapping Jae in the castle. Ah, that is why, Younghyun still practically has Jae imprisoned.

Jae awkwardly say on the bed, not willing to meet the king's gaze that followed him. He laid down and made sure his back faced Younghyun. "I know sir Brian isn't like that, but I have been mistreated once, I would rather be safe." He sighed sadly.

"I see...Jae, if you would like to express your feelings I am willing to listen. I do not want you to be sad." The king spoke softly as he felt himself become sleepier by the second. He wanted to let Jae know that it was safe to let his guard down around him to let Jae know that he was safe and that he can be comfortable. He needs Jae to know that he cares.

"I am but a shell, feelings are things I do not express so carelessly. I've trusted once before, but never again will I be so willing to do so as quickly."

Younghyun looked up at the ceiling and was silent. Every person has a story, he just needed to know what Jae's was. He wanted to know more about the thief, why he stole, why he didn't want to express himself. This world must have been cruel to him, but what happened.

"Even shells can express themselves. When cracked, they are broken and in pain, when the shell finds a host they have someone who they trust. Every person has a shell, an outer body that is hard to break, but the inner body is the one that no one can see. You may be a shell, but you are fragile, I can see the cracks that slowly spread."

Jae turned to look at the king who still faced the ceiling, "Then a cracked and broken shell I am." He said before closing his eyes, falling asleep.

But Younghyun could not close his eyes so easily. His once tired state had left him and curiosity was replaced. He looked over at the sleeping blond and gave a gentle smile, "You really do have a pretty face...if only you knew how much I truly care." He leaned in and gave Jae a small his on the forehead. No, he holds no feelings towards the male, but everyone deserves some sort of comfort.

If kissing Jae in his sleep was all he can do to show it then he shall. Younghyun wondered what has Jae gone through to lead to this moment, what exactly happened. His eyes began to go heavy as sleep welcomed him and his dreams flowed.

Was this really how it will be from now on?

A king and a thief, living in a castle, learning to slowly trust, and only one wishing for something more.

Bonding moment???
New character introduced(officially)
Some drama may or may not come between the Kings
U tell me

The Royal King Who Saw Heart In A Royally Equal Thief //Jaehyungparkian\\Where stories live. Discover now