14-Royal Ambush

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Change of plans

Jae groaned in his seat of the carriage, he was uncomfortable and wanted to get out already. How can royalty travel in such an inconvenient way, it made no sense to him.

"Calm down, it's just three more hours away." Younghyun said in a tired voice, he hadn't slept well last night due to his worries of what exactly Sungjin had planned for them.

"Just three more hours?! We've been here for only one hour?!" He whined as he laid back on the seat, he was sitting—now laying—in the opposite side from the king. He didn't want to be too close, this was the best he could do.
(Took this off google to make it as accurate as possible. Apparently Seoul and Busan are 4 hours apart by car, so Sungjin's previous journey was kinda exaggerated on my part)

Younghyun shook his head and looked out the window that was covered by a curtain. It was certainly going to be a long way till they get to their destination.

Over at Busan, Sungjin felt as though he wanted to pull his hair out. His own guard, who helps him with plans, told him to do the impossible! But it must be done to let him have his goals. By now, Younghyun should be about an hour and a half away from Busan, just when it hits the two hour mark, that's when he'll strike. There was a cliff just west of here, and he'll do the unthinkable.

He had his guards ready, they were hidden from sight, there was at least ten of them, enough to keep the commander of Seoul's guards distracted.

"Sir, I hear the carriage coming!" A guard informed.

Sungjin nodded, "On guard, be ready."

They took out their swords and just when the king of Seoul arrived, one guard stepped right in front of them. Dowoon came out from behind the carriage and stared intently at the guard that stood before him.

"What is the meaning of this?" He noticed a kingdom's crest on the chest plate and his eyes widened, it was from Busan! Dowoon turned his head to the chofer, "Take them back, now, it's an am—" just before he finished his words, an arrow was shot in the driver's heart killing him on instant.

Younghyun heard the yelling from outside and looked at Jae, "Stay here, I will try to resolve this."

Jae immediately shook his head and grabbed Younghyun's wrist and gave him a look of worry, "Brian...it's dangerous out there, don't go."
(Omg he didn't say 'sir')

He didn't look at Jae and only pulled his wrists away, "I must help my guard, what type of king would I be if I didn't assist him." Younghyun opened the door and pulled out his sword, standing by Dowoon.

Sungjin smirked, "So you decide to join us," all of his men revealed themselves and stood behind him, "Lets make a deal, the real deal. You give me back Jae and we can live in peace once more or you send him back to Seoul, keep him safe and sound, at the price of your life."

"That's not fair—" Dowoon was just about the charge at Sungjin, but Younghyun stopped him. The commander saw the look in his eyes, "Sir king, your not actually considering one of his offers, are you?!" He looked at Younghyun like he was crazy.

"I must protect my people, no matter the cost. King Sungjin, I will allow you to take my life, as long as Jae is safe is Busan, away from you."

Dowoon stared up at his king as his eyes started to tear up in frustration, "Younghyun, you can't!" His voice cracked as he spoke, "You mustn't let him kill you, you still have a kingdom to run!"

Younghyun closed his eyes, "If It's to protect Jae, I will do what I can."

"But you don't know if he will uphold to his promise, with no king to lead he and other kingdoms can easily take over—"

"The you'll be king! I give you my position as king, the moment I die you'll officially look after Seoul!"

The argument between the two was interrupted by slow clapping that came from Sungjin(of course). "I'll be sure to tell you're people that these were indeed you last words. Now, come with me, put your sword down."

Younghyun followed Sungjin after dropping his weapon. Dowoon tried to quickly follow but was stopped by the guards who overpowered him due to being out numbered.

"A cliff? You want me to fall to my death?"

"Well, I don't really want any blood in my hands. Now just stand by the edge." Sungjin ordered.

The now former king didn't oppose, he did just as he was told. He waited for his next orders, but as he looked at Sungjin, he noticed a figure running in the background. Younghyun felt his eyes go big when he saw who it was. Just when he was going to stop Sungjin from pushing him, the figure pushed Younghyun forward and took the hit.

"Jae!" Younghyun yelled, he quickly got up, turned his head to Sungjin, and then jumped down right after the former thief. Sungjin ran to the edge and saw the two falling figures in shock, this was not how he had planned it.

Younghyun was now next to Jae in the air, he managed to wrap his arms around the taller male and flipped their positions to where he(brian) was facing his back to the ground.

"Brian! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you so much! Not even to the very end we were happy!" Jae cried.

The former king only held onto Jae tighter as he whispered his last words, "I know, I hate me too..."

And then they hit the ground.

Jae, barely clinging onto life chuckled as he saw the lifeless body of Younghyun. His body aching in pain and his heart beating slower each second.

"Forced me on top of you so I could live only a few seconds longer...how cruel..."

That, was the story of the forever king who thought he saw heart in the once equally royal thief.

The end.
Next will be a mini chapter stating a few things about the characters
Read if u want
It doesn't matter really

The Royal King Who Saw Heart In A Royally Equal Thief //Jaehyungparkian\\Where stories live. Discover now