4- Royal Room

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Jae stood by the king as he sat on his throne, of course the thief was offered a seat but he refused. The situation was still a little too much to handle for him. It was still a mystery to him on how the bounty for his head was so high and he couldn't believe the king wanted him dead no less his own head! Everything was just too weird right now, the very man who wanted him brought to him decapitated was now protecting him from that same order. But he was very grateful, he wasn't going to end up dead any time soon and now he knows this for sure. He was lucky, yet, he fears the king of Busan will find him.

They don't exactly have a good history together.

"Remember, you are not to speak to anyone besides my royal commander. He is the only other person you can trust." Younghyun said, turning his head to face Jae while still on his throne. There wasn't much for him to do today but he must stay seated if any civilian comes in to report something personally. 

"Sir king, here are the clothes you have requested over night."  Said a servant. They bowed down and handed the king the clothes.

Younghyun stood from his throne and took the items and the servant left. He turned to Jae and smiled, "These are for you, they are much more comfortable than ripped and dirty rags."

"My clothes wouldn't be rags if your guards didn't do much damage, sir Brian." Jae said as he snatched the clothes roughly from the king.

The royal sighed, "Please be mindful that they might be a little big. We did not take measurements so if it's not of size then please inform me."

Jae nodded and let the king show him to a room. It was quite large and had one of the biggest beds he has ever seen. The closest was wide and there was a balcony with the wooden doors covered with curtains.

"This is my room, where you will be staying. You may change in here, meet me back at the throne room when done." Younghyun said before he left.

The thief looked around the room, having the urge to take something and just run away through the balcony. He didn't know how the king had trusted him like this, all the royal's belongings are in this room just there for Jae to steal. He smirked, his plan to steal from the castle had took a turn for the better.

Jae decided to put on the clothes given to him, these were hand made by a royal servant, this alone could cost millions. He puts on the slightly oversized white collar shirt with a beige button vest and black pants. The clothes fit just fine, almost perfect. The shirt was a little big but it was okay. The vest had the kingdom's crest on it, which was a rose. Only royal clothing had the emblem on their them.

He searched around the room to find anything that he can actually he prove belonged to the king so he can sell it. But there was only few items that actually shown any value yet he can't take them because they are of personal value.

Meaning these items can mean the world only to one person. He cannot take them away.

He found an old photo of the old king and Younghyun. They were both smiling in the garden, they looked so happy. Jae never got to have that relationship, he doesn't know what it's like to have a father son bond. It was taken from him long ago.

This photo, was of personal value.

Jae immediately dropped the photo in the drawer he found it in and closed it when he heard the door open. It was the king with his eyes closed, "Are you done changing yet?" He asked.

Jae couldn't believe it! The king can trust him so much and he just tried to steal from the royal castle. He had done it out of habit, he couldn't help it.

"Uh—yes, sir Brian...". Jae mumbled still in surprise. How can someone trust him so easily, it baffled him.

"You passed."

The thief tilted his head slightly in confusion. What did that mean?

"It was a test to see what you would do, and you passed." Younghyun smiles. He was glad Jae didn't do anything, he had a set of guards outside under the balcony just Incase something were to happen. Now, he can truly trust Jae with all worries thrown away.

Jae was silent, a test...so the king didn't trust him as much as he thought. He was disappointed because he thought he finally found someone who he can trust but now he wasn't sure. The king was an odd man, a man who can hurt people without even knowing.

"I...I see." He looked at the ground in embarrassment.

Younghyun walked up to the blond and smiled gently as he lifted Jae's head to look at him. "No need to be ashamed, I trust you very much. But you must know my servants worry. This was just to show them to put just as much faith in you as I do. You have resisted your temptation and for that, I thank you."

Jae didn't know what to say yet again. So the king just wanted to prove to the castle workers that he wasn't a bad person? It was still baffling.

The king chuckled, "You are adorable when flustered, Jae."

Was this someone Jae can trust?

He still was not sure.

And yet, he wants to believe he can.

"I will try to put my trust in you, sir Brian. It will be difficult though."

"That I know. You probably spend your life with people who only wanted to turn you in." Jae knew Younghyun was not far from the truth. Jae did have many betrayals in his life, each worse than the last. He was still shock at how kind Younghyun was being, if it were the king of Busan then he would have been dead already.

Jae felt as if this can be his chance to finally learn how to trust again. This can be someone he can grow to be friends with, but his ties with...a certain someone would ruin it. If he were to tell Younghyun of his connection with this person, Younghyun would shatter. He doesn't want that.

"Many do not know what I have done in the past, if I were to tell you, you promise not to see me in any other way than you do now, sir Brian?" Of course he wasn't going to say anything now, but if he were to ever then he wants to know.

"I will never look at you in a negative way." Younghyun said while looking at Jae in the eyes.

Jae smiled, "Then when the time comes, I shall tell."

Younghyun stared at Jae, this was the first time he smiled since he got here. It was an honor to be able to witness it and to be the cause of it. "You should smile more often, it is beautiful." He mumbled the last part but was able to be heard because of the silent room.

Jae shook his head at the compliment, "It is not...it will never be...my smile was tainted, forced to exist to never show emotion. It is but a curse."

"But it isn't. Your smile just now, was real. I can see just how happy you are." Younghyun gave a smile at Jae hoping to be given one in return. Yet it never came, Jae was frowning.

"You are a flatterer, sir Brian. I see why the village girls would want to be your bride."

Younghyun gave a sigh, "I do not seek a bride, I do not seek a significant other. I only seek peace, that it what I live for."

Jae looked at the ground again, as do I, he thought.

Ok but like
Why did I like writing this chapter so much?
Hint hint
A ton of foreshadowing here

The Royal King Who Saw Heart In A Royally Equal Thief //Jaehyungparkian\\Where stories live. Discover now