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Jisung lived in a 5 bedroom house with his friends, the house was always alive and never quiet for even a few minutes, His house mates consisted of 5 other people who were constantly in his business never leaving him alone for even a second but then again he was also the same, there was...

Zhong Chenle, a rich Chinese boy who was only a year older than him, Chenle had participated in professional racing when he was 15 in China and came first in all of his races which is why he continued to do the thing he was good at once moving, he's loud and so full of life that even Jisung couldn't keep up with him, but he soon stopped racing and chose to continue in school becoming a music major in college, he still went along to races but barely ever raced.

Lee 'Haechan' Donghyuck who had been working at Jaehyun's shop while he was still in school, occasionally asking to join Jaehyun when he attended races and soon he was hooked, he eventually saved up and bought himself a a grey 2019 Chevy Camaro SS to enter into races as well, being named one of the best alongside his roommate who was just that little bit better, he's cocky and holds his head high, pride bubbling inside him with every race he wins.

Huang Renjun who is a art major in college, he was brought into the life of underground racing after being dragged to one by his group of friends, he instantly fell in love with the smell of gasoline and the adrenaline that pumped your veins every time the wind messed up his hair while he drove with the windows down in his Mustang GT, he was always calm being the eldest of all the house mates, he was the one to trust and always comfort the others, he also eventually stopped racing to study as well still tagging along from time to time.

Lee Jeno who roomed with Haechan was named the best driver in town last year, he was smooth behind the wheel of his black Bugatti Chiron, his turns were never too sharp and his times were always off the clock, he took pride in his name and was never one to back down from a race, but what he did lack was the ability to let his younger twin sister in on his life, he often tried to shelter her from his life and didn't realise his actions also came close to negligence, she was just too precious to be apart of something like this, he was the complete opposite of her, he acted like a dark cloud was constantly following him around.

Lee Nari moved in a year after Jeno once her brother had finally agreed even though he still thinks she is better off living with their parents, she was always close to her brothers friends and even found herself being closer to them than her actual friends, she is a art major and in the same class as Renjun, she's a free spirit and always found her way out of trouble with her brother, she's always aware of her brothers antics of trying to push her away from his racing habits but it only made her want to experience it for herself but she could never, her brother being too strict about it, she tried greasing up to the other racers in her house but was always shut down by them saying something along the lines of 'Jeno said No' she didn't care for awhile but now she was just angry at him all the damn time.


Jisung's house was always alive so he wasn't surprised when he was stopped on his way out at an ungodly hour of the night, walking past the kitchen Jisung tried to ignore Nari who was drinking from a glass in the middle of the kitchen.

"Jisung?" Nari called out, Jisung turned around pretending not to see her there and humming in response.

"Where are you going?" Nari asked eyes still squinting because she was still half asleep, Jisung opened his eyes a little bit expecting her to ask.

"Um just out, I'll be back in an hour or two. Don't you have exams soon?" Jisung asked trying to change the subject, Nari nodded yawning, Jisung nodded as well.

"Welp, get some rest so you can pass! I'll see you tomorrow" Jisung mumbled quickly and dashing out the front door before she could get in another word.

"What a weird kid"


Jaemin closed his eyes feeling the cold air nip at his nose, looking at his surroundings Jaemin sighed leaning back onto his yellow Hennessy Venom, his baby and pride of joy, He was waiting for Jisung to show up, today marked their first 'mentoring session' if you would even call it that.

Jaemin was parked at the end of a bridge that hung over a lake, Jaemin had come here a handful of times and no ones seems to ever come around so he thought this place would be best, Jaemin could see headlights up ahead and he knew that was Jisung.

Getting off his car he watched as the car rolled passed and parked beside him, Jaemin caught the smell of the engine and grimaced, after all his years he could still never get used to the smell of gasoline and oil, it was nostalgic and nauseating all at the same time.

Jisung turned the car off jumping out from his vehicle and made his way towards Jaemin a skip in his step, Jaemin smiled at the boy taking a look at his car, a dark blue Mclaren F1, Jaemin eyed the car tilting his head and letting out a soft gasp, it was nice he couldn't lie.

"How'd you afford that?" Jaemin asked he could see the reflection of his face on the silver rims, Jisung smiled feeling proud that he impressed Jaemin.

"It was a birthday gift from my parents" Jisung mumbled scratching the back of his head, Jaemin nodded mumbling a 'Nice' before walking around the car, these cars were only manufactured between the years of 1982-1998 only having 106 ever made, it was old but in great condition and very very expensive.

"Well..... lets get started shall we?"


So I hope y'all like it so far, also I know nothing about cars so I hope this doesn't sound stupid, but thank you for reading! I swear it'll get better soon !

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