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Jaemin yawned the sun was sure to be rising soon and he decided to call it quits for the night, Jisung sped past Jaemin and the whipping gust of wind that came with it caused his hair to fly momentarily and his eyes to close feeling the cold air creep up his back making him shiver, Jaemin nodded making the final decision and waving Jisung back who had made a sharp U turn and started heading back.

Without a word about his performance Jaemin smiled telling the boy to go home and get some rest, Jisung huffed agreeing and left Jaemin to sit on his car for a little bit then went home.

The next couple of nights went the same and soon Jisung became a little irritated that he only made Jisung do laps but then also didn't even say anything to him, telling him to go home after he thought they were out for too long.

Jisung was bored and frankly quite annoyed, so pulling up beside Jaemin he rolled his window down and Jaemin walked over to Jisung's side of the car, Jisung expected Jaemin to tell him what he always did and this time Jisung was ready, ready to snap back, maybe even go to the extent to call him a fraud until Jaemin pulled his own keys out.

"Watch me" Jaemin said and then walked back over to his car and getting in starting his car and driving off down the road to turn around , Jisung was stunned but reacted faster getting out his car, he felt weird they basically just switched positions.

Jisung watched Jaemin disappear and frowned, Jaemin would make Jisung drive across the road that led up to the bridge across the lake he never driven across the bridge though, the road started outside an abandoned building and wrapped around it coming full circle, Jisung turned his head to face the other and then in a matter seconds Jaemin came zooming down the road speeding faster than Jisung had ever seen, the power on Jaemins Venom was unbelievable and Jisung felt the breeze rush past him making his body shake and sent him into a frenzy and he wasn't even in the car.

Jaemin turned sharply drifting to the side and he turned around and came speeding back making Jisung tilt his head, was he heading straight for him?

Jisung panicked taking fast steps falling into his car not knowing what to do, slowing down when he was only mere metres away from Jisung, who had flinched backwards into his car more, Jaemin's car jolted forwards and the driver could be seen laughing in the front seat from the scare he gave Jisung, Jaemin shook his head parking up and walking around his car to meet Jisung who had his hand on his heart mumbling curse words under his breath.

"I think my life just flashed before my eyes" Jisung said his legs shaking, Jaemin smiled patting his shoulder.

"A clear mind, that's what you need, you need to be able to make fast decisions behind the wheel on the fly, when to go faster, when to go slower, when to stop. You just proved you can't make the decision to move out the way out of a moving car which can't even compare to being behind the wheel" Jaemin spoke and Jisung was speech less, he didn't know what to say, all he did was nod and did as Jaemin said when he told him to do laps again.


Jisung turned the alarm off on his phone checking the time 1:30am, he had to meet Jaemin in a hour, getting up Jisung quickly threw on an outfit and grabbed his keys trying not to wake Chenle up who was in his bed, Jisung left the room trying to be as quiet as possible, tiptoeing past everyone's room one shoe in hand and the other on his foot untied.

Jisung peeked his head into the kitchen making sure no one was around to do any midnight snacking and saw no one walking out from the hallway grabbing an apple from the pantry and headed towards the door trying to find his own way through the dark, Jisung stopped hearing a voice and suddenly the room was full of light.

"Where are you going?" Chenle asked, Jisung looked at the boy who was standing by the light switch, Jisung took a step back eyes widened and knew he was caught red handed.

"I-Uh, just out" Jisung mumbled taking a bite of his apple and chewing, he didn't trust his words at the moment and tried to keep his mouth occupied.

"Don't give me that lame excuse with me, Nari told me you've been sneaking out a lot lately and I just want to ask why..... is it a girl?" Chenle gasped eyes widening andhands covering his mouth, Jisung flushed and shook his head.

"No no no n it's not that, I'm just meeting a friend" Jisung spoke scratching the back of his head, Chenle clapped nodding.

"Any friend of my best friends is a friend of mine, let's go meet this friend shall we? I'll drive" Chenle smiled walking past Jisung snatching his keys out of the poor boys hand and left the house leaving the door opened for him, Jisung cursed to himself and left closing the door behind him.


Jisung tapped on the dash board listening to the silent hum of the radio, Chenle leaned back into the drivers seat and looked at Jisung.

"So this is where you've been sneaking off to?" Chenle asked confused, sure the lake was pretty but there wasn't exactly anything that gave Chenle a reason as to why Jisung would come here.

"Technically it's not sneaking out, you're not one of my parents" Jisung said matter of factory checking his phone, Jaemin should be here anytime soon and as if on cue the sight of a grey Tesla roadster came speeding down the road and towards Jisung's Mclarren.

Chenle looked between Jisung and the sleek vehicle and repeated the actions still not getting what was happening until the car parked beside Jisung's and the sight of a blue head of hair getting out of the car caught Chenles eyes, nope he had no clue who that person was, Jisung got out and walked over meeting the boy in the middle of the cars.

Jaemin could see the figure of the person in Jisung's car and furrowed his eyebrows mumbling a 'whos that?'

"That's my friend Chenle, he wanted to come and there was no way to say no" Jisung sighed and Chenle took this as his introduction, getting out of Jisung's car he smiled walking over to the two.

"Hello stranger my names Zhong Chenle, Jisung's BFF4EV, and you are?"Chenle smiled stretching his hand out to shake Jaemin's hand, Jaemin tilted his head grabbing his hand shaking it firmly.

"Na Jaemin" Jaemin smirked seeing Chenles eyes widen and mouth drop, Chenle gasped making Jisung pull a confused face.

"No way"

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