You Get Back Together

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He wasn't the same without you, and he hated that Todoroki was there when he wasn't. He made a huge mistake, and he planned to fix it. He had set up a plan to get you back. Uraraka of course helped, she missed you too.  You were eating lunch with Todoroki. You had brought him his cold soba and he was overjoyed. He even raised his eyebrows. Uraraka came over with f/f and looked at you. "Y/n! I'm so sorry! I came onto him and I didn't realize what I was doing til you came in. Don't blame Deku please! Here come with me to my locker! I have a gift for you to apologize" She stammers. You look over at Todoroki and he nods. You get up and follow her into the hallway, looking around at the random roses everywhere. "Uh, Uraraka? What's going on?" You ask suspicion lacing your voice. You see a giant banner with your name on it. When we reach Ochako's locker, you see Izuku standing about 15 feet away with a single rose in hand. "Y/n, I-I still need you. I regret everything and I am eternally sorry. I will do anything to get you back, please." He says as he starts crying. You look Deku in the eyes and walk forward. You embrace him. "If you do this again, I'll kill you" You mutter into his chest. "I won't I promise!" He responds.


You were completely spent. You and Kirishima decided to take a nap together. You were on Kiri's chest while he had his head in your neck. You two often did this because one of you would have nightmares and have to comfort each other. Bakugou kicked your door down to apologize when he sees you asleep. On Shitty Hair. oH fUcK. rUn kIrI rUn! Katsuki was highly disturbed by this and picked you up, waking the both of you. "AHHHHHH! RAPE! RAPE! MINETA MUST HAVE SNUCK IN THE ROOM!" You screech. "Calm the fuck down dumbass. It's me" He says. Kiri growls. "Put. Her. Down." He snarls. "Nope this is mine, and it's going to my dorm" he says, throwing you over his shoulder. "What the fuck! First off, I am not an It! And secondly, I am not yours!" You yell at him, trying to get out of his grasp. "Babe, I am literally falling apart without you, and if you won't come back to me, I'll take you!" He says. You sigh as he places you down on his bed. "I swear to fucking god, if this ever happens again, and I mean EVER. I will leave and never come back, got it?" You demand. He nods and pulls you close. "By the way, if I ever see you cuddling with Shitty hair again, I'll blow him up" He growls. "If I ever see you fucking any girl that's not me, I will rip your throat out" He chuckles. "Fair enough"


You were at the carnival, when you notice a tall dark figure following you. You were about ready to shoot crystal at him when he takes his hat off, showing you his face. "Todoroki? Why the fuck were you following me?" You growl. "Please, Love, I miss you. You know she didn't mean anything. I just, my dad was getting mad at me, saying how I needed to find someone better, when the truth is, you are the best" He explains walking toward you. "Y/n, please take me back. And please stop hanging out with Bakugou" He adds. He puts a hand on your face and you lean into his touch. "Okay, but 1, do this again, and I'll turn you into crystal and 2, I am going to deep scrub your lips before you are allowed to kiss me again" You tell him. "Deal." He agrees. You spend the rest of the night scrubbing his lips with a sponge.


Sharky didn't even laugh anymore. He was too depressed. He didn't even know why he kissed Mina. He still wanted and needed you. He wanted to feel your hugs again, he wanted to be able to call you his, he wanted to fend off Mineta from you. He wanted you. And he was going to get you back. By that he meant he followed you everywhere you went until you agreed to talk to him. "Y/n, you were the best thing in my life. I still have no idea why I kissed Mina, but I love you. And nothing will ever change that. But I can't stand to see you with Shinso anymore! Please take me back!" He pleads. You sigh. "If you even touch another female that isn't me, I will leave for good" You say. He nods vigorously and embraces you.


You were flirting with Bakugou when Kaminari comes up and drags you away. He pulls you directly into the boys bathroom. "You, stop it! I was drunk okay... I didn't have a straight mind and I still love you. Forgive me please" He sighs. "I will cut off your dick if you cheat on me again. This is your third chance, and your last, got it?" You growl. He nods and [Censored] Saving this for a lemon. ;)

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