Iida Catch-Up

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  First Meet

    You were sleeping on your desk trying to sleep though the noise of Mr.Aizawa's complaints. He eventually gives up when class starts, watching the annoying kids file into the classroom.

   You were suddenly tapped on the back. "L/n! Class is starting, and you need to listen and not sleep!" The boy explains, chopping his hand through the air.

   "Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?" You say, your anger increasing quickly. "HEY! GLASSES! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING TO MY SISTER?!" You hear Katsuki yell.  Iida argues with him, leaving you to your precious sleep.

Your Quirk

You have the quirk of turning liquid and objects into acid. You inherited it from your father Masuru.

When You Become Friends

You were helping some little kids with their quirks today, as a volunteer. As you were showing a little boy how to aim his lazer beams, Iida spots you. "L/n, It seems I have misjudged you. I apologize for my actions and hope you can forgive me" Iida says, bowing. "It's okay Iida. I forgive you. Do you wanna help me with these kids?" You ask politely. Iida nods, and helps you manage the kids the whole day.

When He Gets Feelings For You

    You were in the library looking for a specific book to read. You checked isle after isle, only to find nothing. Just as you were about to give up, Iida walks in and hands you the book you've been looking for with a red tinted face. "I have heard you have been searching for this book. My apologies for keeping it so long" Iida says, bowing. "It's Okay! Thank you, but you don't have to bow. We're friends!" You giggle. For some reason, Iida's heart ached at that statement.

When He Asks You Out

He left a contract in your locker. You fucking heard me. A CONTRACT. TO. DATE. I would say how stupid that is, but it's pretty original honestly.

Where He Likes To Kiss You

No public affection. It is not tolerated.

What It's Like Dating Him
-Him reading to you
-Yelling at anyone who disrespects you
-Study dates

Him and Yours Phone Contact
His: My Sonic
Yours: Y/n

When He Gets Jealous

You and Iida were studying together, when Deku asks for help with his homework. Just as you were about to agree, Iida volunteers instead. As he walks away to help him, you whisper in his ear, "Jealous Much?"

Your First Fight

You had accidentally slept in, and missed 1st period, and Tenya was angry. "You are so reckless and ignorant! Why can't you just follow the rules?! You are bringing my name down with your shenanigans!" He yells at you. You tear up, as you were embarrassed that this was going down in the school hallway. "I promise not to let that happen anymore Iida. But, that means I have to leave you. Goodbye, Iida." You claim, speedily walking away.

When He Finds Out You've Been Cutting
You were standing at the top of the roof, sleeves rolled up, and looking down at the pavement that was welcoming you. The cuts all over your body bled ferociously as they dropped onto the ground beneath you. Iida walks over, seeing the blood immediately. "Y-Y-/n?!" He exclaims. You whip your head over to him, tears running down you face, and jump.

When He Apologizes

You awaken to the bright lights of a hospital, and see Iida with his head in his hands, sleeping. In his sleep, you could hear muttering, even though you know he hates that. "I-I'm so sorry Y-Y/n. I let you down because of the rules," He pleads softly. You try and get up, only to see a cast on your leg. So, you yell out for him to wake up. "Y-Y/n! I-I'm so s-sorry! Forgive my behavior! I-I'm begging you!" He bows, tears streaming through his glasses. "I forgive you T-Tenya" You smile lightly.

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