Shinsou Catch-Up

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First Meet

You were a new student in the class 1-A, and because of your powerful quirk, people absolutely would not leave you alone. It was during lunch that you saw him eating all alone and decided to approach him.

"H-Hello. Is this seat taken?" You ask politely, pointing to the seat across from him. He looks surprised at your request then glares at you. "Why do you want to sit here?" His voice asks. "I-"

Just as you were going to respond, a velvety haze takes over your voice. "I hate people that suck up to me just because of my quirk, and you were one of the only people who hadn't rushed up to me." Your mouth forces out.

"Yes, you can sit with me" His blunt voice answers. "A-Ah, thank you." You smile.

You weren't going to ask how your voice spoke the truth with no thought, because you were to busy speaking with Shinsou.

Your Quirk

Energy Storm

You suck in Energy from around you, then shoot it out all at once in a shockwave motion.

Drawbacks: When you use your quirk too much, you have a harder time breathing. Doctors suspect that if you use your quirk to the max, you could stop breathing completely.

When You Become Friends

You had sat with Shinsou for the past few days when the topic of quirks came up.

"So, Shinsou, what's your quirk?" You ask with a bright smile. Shinsou looks down. "...Brainwashing" He mumbles. Your eyes light up in interest. "Really? That's so cool!" You beam.

Shinsou looks back up at your fascinated face. "Thanks I guess. What's yours?" He asks in return. "Oh, mine is not nearly as good as yours. My quirk is Energy Storm. I absorb energy around me and then use it to create shockwaves. But when I get emotional it gets way too strong and could possibly kill someone" You explain, looking away in embarrassment. "What are you talking about? Yours is way better than my villainous quirk." He asks, stuck on the words of your speech.

"Your quirk isn't villainous. If you trapped a villain, and were trying to get them to confess to their crimes, you could force it out of them." You explain. "That would make you an amazing hero in my opinion" You say, starting to eat your food. Hero...

When He Realizes He Has Feelings For You

  Shinsou has taken you to his house to hang out today, and you got to meet his cat, Munchies. "Aw! You're so adorable!" You say, running to the feline. You gently pick up the cat and stroke it's pelt. Shinsou felt his cheeks grow red at the sight of you cuddling with his cat. I wish she thought I was adorable...

When He Asks Out

   You were training with Shinsou, and you were winning by a landslide. Just as you were about to throw a final blow, Shinsou speaks. "L/n, there is a bug on your shoulder." He speaks. "Please, I won't-" You fall under his control from his powerful quirk. "Walk to me." He commands. You obey and step forward until you are in front of him. "Be my girlfriend." He demands. He releases you from the trance and you smile. "Yes."

Where He likes To Kiss You

Shinsou really enjoys kissing your nose and cheek, but his sweetest kisses are when he goes for the lips.

What It's like Dating Shinsou

-Constant naps
-Lots of cuddles
-Training together
-Playing with his cat

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