Tamaki Catchup

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First Meet
  You walked into the middle school, ready to start the third grade on a hopefully good note. As you enter the class, you smile brightly, attracting practically everyone to come towards you. "Hi! My name is Y/n L/n" You say, trying to keep your voice from breaking. Your expression becomes entranced when you see a deep blue haired boy seemingly very nervous in the corner. You walk away from the mob that had gathered around you, and move over to the shy boy in the back. "Hey. My name is Y/n L/n. Would you maybe wanna be... friends?" You ask nervously. His face flushes a bit and scrambles to find words. "U-U-Uh, a-are y-y-you sure?" He asks. "Positive."

Your Quirk

Bunny and Nature Manipulation (You can do what a bunny can. And you have ears and tail. You can bend any natural resource at your will)

When You Start Becoming Friends

Amajiki and you had met Togata, whom was very encouraging towards you both, and it was amazing you all got into U.A. It was almost as if your crippling depression wasn't there. "Hey! Tamaki!" You yell from a distance. You see him quiver as he slowly turns around, to meet your bright eyes. "A-Ah, Good m-morning Y/n" He relaxes. "Wanna walk to school together?" You grin. He nods and walks shyly while you stride confidently next to him. "I-I don't k-know how y-you do it Y-Y/n." He whispers. "Do what?" You ask, nervously gulping to yourself. "Act so...p-positive and confident." He answers. "I'm... n-not." You mumble. "W-What?! B-B-But-" He stumbles. "I..wish I c-could tell you Tamaki... But I'm not s-strong enough" You state, looking towards the ground.

When He Realizes He Has Feelings

She says she isn't strong enough... But what I see is the absolute definition of strength. It was gym class, and you were doing the duration test. Your arms were holding your head above the bar, and it was just you and Nanase, and the only reason he was still holding himself up, was because he activated his quirk. Finally, he gave up and dropped himself from the pull up position. You drop about 2 seconds after him, and smile with a tired expression. "Y-Y/n! H-Here! Drink some w-water!" Tamaki squeaks, handing you your water bottle. "Thanks Tamaki" You pant. "D-Don't w-w-work yourself so hard next time! I-I worry y-you know!" He pleads. "I.. need to be stronger Tama-Kun." You sigh. But you're already perfect...if only I had the words to tell you that...

When He Asks You Out

Tamaki had called you on Friday, asking you to meet up with him at a greenhouse. You agreed, even though your depression and anxiety said 'Fuck no'. You dress nicely, and meet Tamaki at the designated address.

"Y-Y/n. I-I-I-" He stops. "I like you too Tamaki." You smile brightly. "Y-Y-You do?!" He exclaims, face turning red. "Of course I d-do Tama-Kun" you whisper shyly. "Y-You are always there for me. H-Helping me become b-better" You explain. Tamaki gathers all his courage, and wraps his arms around you. You blush, and embrace him back, feeling the warmth of his embarrassment radiate off of him.
He fainted afterwards.

Where He Likes To Kiss You
Cheek, lips if he is feeling confident or if you're feeling insecure.

Him And Your Phone Contact
His for you: Bunny ❤️
Yours for him: Tama-Kun
You kinda forgot to change it after you guys started dating.
When He Gets Jealous
-20000 self esteem. He feels very lonely, and when the other person leaves, he cuddles you in self pity.
First Fight
Tamaki had a very bad day, and just wanted to cuddle you, only to find you weren't there. His dorm was completely empty, despite the plans you two had made for you spend time together.

~Time Skip~

"Y/n!" He yells, still kinda pissed about last night. You freeze. Did he just yell? And with that, no stuttering?! You turn to look at him and see his face, angry?
"Where were you last night?" He asks stiffly. You open your mouth to speak, but he interrupts you.

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