Chapter 12

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I was speechless. This… this angel of a guy – my freaking hot boyfriend – just asked me to marry him! 

I’d never had this happen to me before, so I wasn’t sure how to respond. I tried to say yes, but all that came out was, “Uhh… uhh…” My throat was dry, and I felt my pulse quicken.

He smiled. “Well?” he prompted.

I recomposed myself, looked into his beautiful eyes, and said, “Y-yes. I’ll… I’ll marry you, Jacob.”

He wrapped me in a bear hug, lifting me off the ground and crushing me against his tall frame. “Oh, thank you, Kate! You won't regret this, I promise!” He put me down and kissed me. I couldn’t stop smiling as I kissed him back.

“Now, remember. Our parents don’t need to know we’re getting married. Not yet anyway,” I told him. 

He nodded. “My mom would have a hissy fit if she caught wind of that!” He laughed, long and low. I giggled, too.

I felt giddy. Today was the happiest day of my life, and my boyfriend – no, my fiancé now – was perfect. 

When I told Jackie the news, she completely flipped out on me. “ARE YOU SERIOUS, KATE? YOU BETTER NOT BE BULLSHITTING ME!”

“I'm not,” I calmly told her.

She stood there, absorbing this information, and ran at me and crushed me with a hug. “Oh Kate, I’m so happy for you! Ooh, could I be the bridesmaid? I need to find a pretty dress! What color do you think looks good on me? My mom could sew it…”

I had stopped listening and was daydreaming about Jacob. He would be in Mr. Hansen’s class now. I wondered what he had to do as a junior, and how much harder it was than being a freshman like me. 


I snapped back into the present to see Mrs. Henderson, the math teacher, leaning over me with a stern expression.

“Sorry, what?” I mumbled. Everyone laughed.

“Well, I was going to ask you what the answer to number four on page two hundred twenty-seven was, but I think I’ll send you to the principal’s office instead.”

I was horrified and embarrassed. I didn’t argue, I just got up and left. But I didn’t head to Mr. Myers’ office. Instead I went to the bathroom and cried. I cried because my teachers all hated me, even though I was an A student. I cried because I missed Jacob with all my heart and soul. I cried because my piece of crap iPod didn’t work anymore. I cried because I was being hunted by a pedophile, and his current whereabouts were unknown.

I finally stopped crying and looked in the mirror. My mascara had ran all over my face, giving me the impression of darkness on my face. That’s what parts of my life were. Nothing but darkness. Nothing but despair. Jacob’s presence did make some of it better, but not even love can heal all wounds, it seemed.

I’d just have to live with it, I supposed. Whatever abnormalities came my way, I’d just have to stand up and face them. Even if it meant losing Jacob.

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