Chapter 13

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The news of the escaped killer was long gone from my mind. He hadn’t bothered me or my family in five months. All I had to focus on now was Jacob, school, and my popularity status. 

    Mom found out about my ruined iPod, but she wasn’t too pissed about it. She went to the Apple store and got it repaired, so I could listen to my music in peace again. It seemed my life had hit another high point. It was full of ups and downs. But then again, so was everyone else’s.

    I was lying on my bed, texting Jacob. I had to use an app on my iPod, as I didn’t have a cell phone yet. We had been talking for four hours since I got home from school. He seemed eager to talk, and he was really chatty. He kept talking about our future marriage, and where he wanted to get married.

So where do u want 2 get married? he texted.

Idk yet, but ill think of somewhere, I texted back. 

I was thinking of going back 2 Ohio. That ok babe?

Yeah fine with me ☺

U sure? I don’t want u left out of this

I paused, then replied: its up 2 u k? luv u babe

Luv u 2 ☺, he answered.

There was a knock on my door. Mom poked her head in. “Hey, what are you doing?”

“Texting Jacob,” I replied without looking up.

She nodded. “I see. I was just on my way to Gatti’s, and wanted to know if you wanted anything.”

I shook my head. “I’m fine for now.”

“You sure?” She looked concerned. “You’re normally hungry by this time.”

I looked at the clock. 7:30. I hadn’t realized it was that late.

“Yeah,” I decided. “I’ll get a pizza. Pepperoni.”

“I’ll be back in a few then.” She left.

I stretched back out on my bed and stared at the ceiling. My iPod sounded on my stomach, but I didn’t check it yet. I knew it was Jacob. He’d keep bugging me about where to get married at.

Ding. I sighed and checked the screen:

2 new messages:
    Jacob: u there babe?

Jackie: Hey guuurl wanna talk?


I responded to Jackie’s text first. She almost never texted me, and every moment I talked to her was precious. I only got to see her at lunch, and between classes.  She was my first friend I had ever made. We had met in 1st grade, and hit it off almost immediately. We’ve been like sisters ever since. 

Yeah, I replied.

She texted back almost immediately: wat u doing?

Thinking about Jacob ☺

Ugh of course lol u 2 are so cute together!!


Yeah gurl, u got urself a hottie lol

Yeah I guess ☺

Kate, I have something important to tell u

I was confused. What?

Plz don’t tell anyone I told u this, but I don’t trust Jacob.

What?? Why not??

He used to go from girl to girl, kind of like Loren goes from guy to guy. He was a player back in middle school.

Ok so?? Doesn’t mean he is now, I replied.

Yeah but plz be careful. I don’t want ur heart being crushed all because of some guy who you thought loved u.

Thanks Jackie, I replied impatiently, but I think he loves me for real.

    Alright, if ur sure, she answered.

    Ding. Another text from Jacob.

    Babe y r’nt u answering?????

    Sorry babe I was busy, I lied.

    Oh ok, he answered.

    Ding. Jackie again.

    u wanna know how I know he was a player?

    Um, sure, I replied.

    Well… I may have dated him a couple of times in middle school. Then he dumped me for some other chick and begged for me back later, but I didn’t realize he still loved the other girl.

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