41- Obession

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Kartika's POV:

We went back to Casualty. Adithi woke up with a startle. We ran to her immediately. She panted heavily. I sat opposite to her. How did he know? How could he feel this? He sat in the chair beside her bed.

She looked shocked. 'Relax. You're safe now,' he said. I hugged her tightly. 'Give the prescription to them,' the doctor entered the room. She walked towards Adithi. I raised and stood beside Jeeva.

'I think I arrived at the correct time,' she smiled at Adithi. Adithi looked confused. She checked the essentials. 'Nothing to worry about, Adithi. You're perfectly fine,' she nodded briefly with a smile. Adithi nodded in agreement. 'This is her prescription. You can start the medications from tonight,' she said as the nurse gave me the prescription.

'You'll be alright,' she loaded medicine in an injection. Adithi panicked on seeing it. 'This won't hurt you,' the doctor said and walked to the hand which had the IV. Her eyes widened.

Jeeva instantly went to her and sat opposite to her. 'Hey! Relax. Take a deep breath,' he signed her to breathe deep.

Jeeva's POV:

She took a deep breath. 'Just concentrate on what I am talking about. Ok?' I said. She nodded looking at my eyes. 'Remember when I was scared of a spider in the garden. You pushed it off. And there were beautiful flowers. You appreciated me for taking a picture of you. We also clicked a selfie,' I said. She smiled.

'And yesterday I startled you. You scolded me. Remember?' I asked her diverting her attention towards me. She smiled widely. 'It is very simple. It's over,' I said as the doctor removed the needle from her hand. She blinked raising her eyebrows.

'The injection. It's over,' I smiled. She looked at me surprised. 'It didn't hurt right?' I asked her. 'Yes,' she nodded. 'Concentration matters,' the doctor chuckled at us. I smiled back. I raised from bed and stood beside Kartika.

'You can take her home tomorrow morning. Just for our observation, she needs to stay. She is perfectly fine,' she smiled and left the room. Kartika was gazing me surprised. 'I'll fetch the medicines,' I got the prescription from her. She nodded. 'I'll be back,' I smiled at both of them and walked out of the room.

Kartika's POV:

I was completely surprised by Jeeva. He cares for Adithi a lot. I looked at Adithi. She was sitting with a surprised expression. I sat opposite to her. She looked at me and smiled. 'How did you bring me here?' she asked confused. 'Don't you remember anything?' I asked worriedly.

'The last thing I remember is I lighted up that scoundrel's photos. I don't remember anything else. Did I faint?' she asked me. 'Yes. You did,' I hugged her tightly. Thank God! She doesn't remember anything. If she does, it will stress her a lot.

'So I created a ruckus?' she asked parting away from me. 'No. We were worried. So we brought you here,' I managed. 'When did Jeeva come? How did he come?' she asked. 'Adithi. Relax. You were unconscious for an hour. You should not panic. You should relax,' I insisted.

Deepak's POV:

I called Sanjay to inform you about Adithi. 'Hello, Mr. Varma! I was expecting your call,' he answered the call. 'Is uncle with you?' I understood his situation. 'Yes. The reports are ready,' he replied. 'Sanjay, Adithi has been admitted to a hospital. Jeeva and Kartika are with her. I don't know what happened to her. I am going to the hospital to know what happened to her,' I said.

Sanjay's POV:

'So there are disturbances for this project?' I asked Deepak. 'Yes. I'll let you know what is going on shortly,' he replied. 'Mr. Varma. Don't worry. I'll meet you in person and sort things out. You can pick me up at the airport,' I stated.

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