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A/N: I decided to cast Ariel Winter as Reyna, as you can see if you look at the cast list. She's on Modern Family, and I just felt like she fit the bill perfectly for Reyna.

Alyssa's POV

"So," I begin. "Looking at how everything has played out so far, do you think that Juliet would be best with Paris or Romeo?"

Sabrina raises her hand. "Paris, duh," she replies in a snooty tone. "He's the rich one."

I hear a girl mutter something, and see Reyna glaring at Sabrina, which is something I've never witnessed.

"What was that?" I ask her.

She takes a deep breath. I can tell that she's already getting anxiety.

"That would be the obvious choice, but wouldn't you rather be happy and in love than rich and miserable?" She asks rhetorically.

As if on cue, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. There's only one person who would text me when I'm teaching.

My grip tightens on the podium as I try to push the memories of my affair with Michael out of my head. It's only been two days, and I want more.

"Good point, Reyna," I nod my head in her direction. "Does anyone have anything to add to that?"

Nikki, a cheerleader who's friends with Sabrina, raises her hand.

"Go ahead, Nikki," I command.

"Well, Reyna," she snarls in a hateful tone. "You wouldn't know this, but money makes you happy."

I saw Reyna's face drop. My jaw clenches angrily. I should've known they would've started throwing insults at her. It's funny how much school has changed in the few years since I left. We never treated anyone like this in front of any adult.

"Yeah," Sabrina chimed in. "So why don't you go back to your slums and keep your opinions to yourself, you little attention whore!"

"OUT IN THE HALL!" I shout as loud as my vocal chords can handle. They don't hesitate to do as I say. I swear that they nearly run out the door. The thought makes me want to smile, but I'm too furious.

Katherine, the real teacher, dashes into the room. The kids wave and greet her.

"Alyssa," she says. "Is everything alright? I thought I heard yelling."

I nod. "Oh yeah," I reply. "Everything's fine. I'm just gonna take a couple kids to the principal's office. Will you take over for a few minutes, please?"

She nods immediately, and I thank her as I walk out the door. I see the two beach blondes whispering to each other in the hallway, and my blood boils. Reyna doesn't deserve to be treated that way.

"You two are coming with me," I snarl as I motion for them to come to me.

They roll their eyes simultaneously and saunter to the office. I leave them with the principal, handing him referrals.

I go back to the room to find everyone silent as Katherine turns to me. She nods and walks out. I bite the inside of my cheek, hoping that her opinion of me doesn't change.

"So where were we?" I ask. All the kids avoid eye contact with me, except for Reyna.

I run a hand through my hair.

"Alright," I say. "I know I've never yelled at any of you before, but that was just to show you that I don't tolerate bullying. I don't tolerate anyone's crap, and I will get angry about it. Does that make sense to everyone?"

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