Love Triangles

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A/N: The gif makes me cry, oh my God. Dark Michael is my favorite! I'm drooling just thinking about what would happen if he ever went back to that color, haha. I still love every hair, though. Dark Michael is just my kryptonite (especially in the Teenage Queen keek when he's hip-thrusting in a leather jacket).

Alyssa's POV

"Hi! Is Reyna home?" I ask Megan after she opens the door to her house.

She shakes her head with a smile. "She's out with that Ross guy right now. They went to go get a burger or something."

I chuckle. "It's crazy how much can change in two months, isn't it?"

"No kidding," she says with a nod. "Come in."

I follow her inside and immediately plop onto the couch. I can't help but gaze at the trees outside the window. It's almost officially fall, and the leaves are changing colors. The reds, yellows, and oranges are so majestic. It reminds me of Michael's ever-changing hair.

I shake my head as the now brunette-haired boy enters my mind. I haven't had a proper conversation that wasn't awkward since he got back from LA. For the life of me, I can't figure out what's got him acting weird.

"So," Megan begins as she hands me a bottle of water. "How are you and your boy?"

I smile, my face heating up. "Good," I tell her with a nod. "Really good."

"Will you finally tell me who this boyfriend of yours is?! I need to know, Lyssa!" she begged.

I smile and put my bottom teeth in between my lips. Calum and I have kept a low profile for publicity reasons. No one knows about us except the boys and Hailey. It's too risky to tell anyone else.

But part of me trusts Megan.

"Uh..." I begin. "You need to promise me that you won't freak out. Please?"

She nods, but I can tell that she is suspicious. "He's not in the mafia, is he?"

"Oh, no," I laugh. "Trust me, that might be easier sometimes."

Her blue eyes widen. "He hasn't killed anyone, has he?"

I laugh again. "Actually, he's done the opposite for a lot of people."

"Tell me!" she whines. "I need to know!"

"Calum Hood," I mumble quickly.

She stops. "Did you just say 'Calum Hood'? Like, Calum from 5 Seconds of Summer?"

Silently, I pull out my phone to show her my lock screen. Calum made it a picture of us at the beach on our first date. He was grinning widely while I cupped one cheek and kissed the other. It's a great picture of us.

Her hand goes to her mouth. "H-how?"

I open my phone and scroll through my photos, searching for photos of me and Mikey from when we were young until now.

Finally, I find a picture of Michael and I before our production of Romeo & Juliet when we were young. When I show it to her, she smiles.

"That's so cute! But what does this have to do with Calum?" she asks.

"Look closely at the boy I'm in the picture with," I tell her.

She gazes at the picture for a good five minutes. Finally, she shakes her head.

"I give up!" she says. "Who is it?"

I scroll over to the next picture, which is of me and Michael when we were in LA.

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