Chp- 14

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Well I have an unexpected surprise for you guys in his chapter 😉❤

Enjoy 💞

Andy POV.

I woke up with an empty space besides me. Rye must be downstairs. I stretched my body while yawning and got up from the bed.

I went to the washroom to get ready.
I stripped naked and stepped in the shower. I turned the shower on and relaxed under the warm water.

Its been few days since Ian's men came looking for me. That day was very scary for me, but Rye and the boys helped me alott.

The boys even went outside everyday to check the area to see if Ian's men were still looking for me or not and it seems that after that day they didnt show up in this area which is a good thing.

After the shower, I wore Rye's white hoodie and a skinny blue jeans. I styled my hair and went downstairs.

I walked towards the living room area as I heard some laughing noises. I entered the room and I froze on spot.

"Hey Andy" Rye said. I looked at him stunned.
"Meet Mikey and Jack"  he added.

My hand went to my mouth as I gasp.
"M-Mikey and Jack !!!" I almost squealed like a teenage girl.

You can't blame me, even though I'm in a relationship with Rye now, I was a fan before so yeah... ofcourse I know they are the ex band members of roadtrip since I have been an OG roadie.

Mikey and Jack chuckled looking at me.
They stood up and came towards me.
"Hey Andy ! I'm Mikey nice to meet you mate !" Mikey said as he stretched his hand for me. I didn't say anything but shook his hand.

"And I'm Jack" Jack said smiling widely as he stretched his hand. I shook hands with him too but I couldn't speak.

"I-I know you both" I stuttered.
Damn what the hell is wrong with me.

"Guys he is probably shocked to see you both here" Rye said chuckling.
Rye stood up and came towards me.
He pulled me in a hug as I relaxed in his arms breathing his scent.

After a min he pulled away and made me sit besides him.

"Sorry I didn't expect to see you both" I said nervously.
"Its fine" Jack said.

"W-What are you guys doing here?" I asked.
"We came to see our bestfriends boyfriend" Mikey said.

"Well Rye he is a beauty indeed huh" Mikey said smirking.
I blushed at his comment.

"I know right" Rye said kissing my cheek. I smiled blushing insanely.

"Also Rye told us about your situation" Jack said.
"We are sorry for you Andy" he added.

"Its fine, Rye and the boys have helped me alottt. They have always been there for me" I said smiling.

"And we always will be" Sonny said entering the room. Harper and Brook following behind him.

They all hugged and greeted eachother.

After settling down, I started to get more comfortable talking with them. My nervousness went away and we were now talking as if we have know eachother for years.

I looked at Mikey and Sonny and chuckled.
"Why are you laughing ?" Mikey asked.
"You know , Its funny how you both aren't related yet you both look like twins" I said.

They both started laughing. After talking for sometime I excused myself to go to the kitchen as I had to drink water.

Mikey came in the kitchen when I was drinking water.
"Came to drink water" he said when I raised my eyebrow.
I took a glass to fill water for him, but surprisingly he did that for himself.

I stood there as he took a sip and turned around to face me.

"You know Andy.... This might sound filmly but I have never seen Rye this happy before" He said.

"You ofcourse know that Me and Rye have been friends from a long time and he have dated many girls and boys but I never saw any spark in his eyes when he looked at those people and now whenever he looks at you, I can see his eyes lit up and the spark which was missing have began to show now" He said and kept the cup down on the platform.

"And I will be frank with you, we all know Rye's relationship have never been much stable something was always missing but this time I am quite sure he found the right one, I can see the way he loves you, adores you. I can see in his eyes how he wants to protect you from the world" Mikey said.

I smiled.

"The moment I met you I knew you are a good guy I'm glad that Rye found you and as a bestfriend it's my duty to threaten you so.... if you break his heart I will break you" Mikey said smiling.

I chuckled.

"You know Mikey, I don't know who is more lucky me or him, because I never thought I would meet the love of my life so soon and that too in such a messed up life" I said chuckling.

Mikey smiled.

"Don't worry Mikey, I would rather hurt myself than hurt him" I said.

Mikey chuckled.

"You are funny, I knew we would get along quite well. Also I definitely don't want any of you to get hurt" Mikey said.

"Andy I know we have known eachother for only few hours now but I can see through people, you are still worried about that guy... Ian right ?" He asked.

I signed but nodded.

"You don't have to now because Me and Jack are here for you too" he said.

"Thankyou" I said smiling

He put his arm on my shoulder as we went back to the room.

After that we talked more, the boys caught up with Jack and Mikey. While I made all the dinner for them.

I didn't wanted to ruin their time together. So I made everything myself.
We had dinner and soon it was time for Jack and Mikey to leave.

"So when will you come back ?" I Asked

"We don't know honesty it depends on our schedule" Jack said.
I was kinda disappointed.

"Guys why don't you both come after 4 days again and maybe y'all can stay here for few days" Rye said.

"Naah mate we can't we have work"
"Please guys" I said this time.
"Honestly I-I had a great time with you and I want to spent more time with you both" I said.

Jack and Mikey thought for a minute.

"Well... maybe we can come for 2 days" Mikey said. My eyes lit up when they said that.

"Yes !" I squealed.
Everyone chucked.

We all said bye to Jack and Mikey.

"Are you happy ?" Rye asked.
"Alotttt happy" I said kissing his lips softly....


Oops that was indeed a surprise huh ? 😉❤

Hope you liked it 💞


See you soon 💞

Until next time 💞

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