Ch. 5 *Edited*

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Percy POV:

I wake up and look around. I'm back in my cabin. I stretch and get dressed. My eye catches on something shining in the corner. A bow. Why hadn't I noticed this before? And why is it there in the first place? I pick it up and walk out of my cabin.

"Percy, what are you doing with a bow?" Jason looks at me like I'm crazy. "You know the last time you tried that you almost hit me, who was right behind you. I would've been shot if I wasn't the son of Jupiter."

"I found it in my cabin. Do you want me to try it out?"

"I mean if you want to, but I would rather you not," Jason walks next to me cautiously. As I head to the armory, cautiously making my way around the Athena cabin. Jason watches as I put it away and we head to breakfast. I'm starving, especially since I never got dinner last night.

I'm eating my breakfast when someone taps my shoulder. I whip around, a forkful of pancakes almost to my mouth.

"Chiron's holding a meeting in five. Thought you should know." Frank says.

"Ok, thanks for telling me, man."

"See you then," Frank walks off and I turn back to my breakfast, picking at it. I lost my appetite. What's this meeting going to be about? Is it going to e related to me? Where's Annabeth? I haven't seen her today. I get up and walk to the Big House because I have nothing better to do right now.

Where are Chiron and Dionysus? They aren't on the porch playing pinochle, they weren't at breakfast either. I knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I hear Chiron's voice from inside.

"It's me, Percy," I hear rustling, like when your parents go to the store and tell you to do the dishes, and you hear them pulling in, so you rush to clean, rinse, dry, and put away a huge pile of dishes.

"Come on in m'boy!" Chiron calls, I open the door. That's where all of the cabin counselors are! I found them, sitting around a ping pong table.

"What's up?"

"Oh, just getting ready for the meeting."

"Am I late?" I look around at everyone, taking in the slightest movements. A finger moving here, a scratching of the nose there. I notice that Dionysus doesn't have a Diet Coke, which surprises me.

"No, not at all. Everyone is just early! We can get the meeting started now."

"Why are we having a meeting? We already had our weekly one."

"Well, I acquired some news yesterday that you should know. There's a virus that's predicted to spread around camp," Chiron explains. "So Dionysus and I went to Olympus to get some potions for everyone to take, and I'm leaving it up to you all to distribute it between your cabins."

Chiron places some boxes on the table, handing vials to Jason and me because we were the only people in our cabins. It's a gross shade of brown. I drink mine, before realizing mine was a slightly darker shade than everyone else's. My face contorts at the taste.

"That tastes disgusting!"

"Yes, I never said it would taste good." Chiron gives me a small smile before turning to the others. "Please, make sure everyone takes it. Meeting dismissed."

I get up, wandering towards the forest. The weather's perfect. Not too hot, a light breeze, and a few fluffy clouds in the sky.

I am frustrated. With Gaea's last words. With Chiron. With everyone. They know who I am when, I, myself don't. I think I know who I am, but from what I've seen and heard, I really don't. I turn around and push through the trees, jogging towards the arena, where, hopefully, there's a free punching bag. I enter the arena and go to the nearest punching bag, drop my bow and quiver, and start punching it.

I am confused. What did Gaea mean? Why can't anyone tell me? WHO AM I, REALLY? I don't know anything anymore, I'm hopeless. I'm lost. I don't know what to do. Who am I supposed to talk to about this? The bag rips open, spilling sand all over. I continue to punch it until I feel better. Well, until all the sand falls out. I look at the crowd, and I see terrified looks, and I must've glared at them because they all ran. I turn back to the bag. I'm going to need to clean that up.

After I clean that up, feeling phantom bits of grainy sand on my hands and knees, I go to the bottom of Long Island Sound, so no one can bother me. One of my favorite places to think. I lay on the bottom, watching as the fish pass above my head. My vision goes blurry, and I just get angrier. There was something in that drink, wasn't there. There's no breakout of illness here if there was, then the Apollo kids would be quick to act, I think. I just terrified a group of campers, I'm supposed to be a good role model. I'm supposed to give advice.

Why can't I do anything right? Why do I always end up terrifying everyone and not comforting them? Why is it so hard to ask for help?


872 Words

Sorry its short, but I don't want to get mixed up and push chapters together

Also sorry its been a few weeks since updating, I've been working on school and applying for a new job since I quit my job in late January and feel mentally able to handle a job again and start updating more frequently.

Love Yall!!

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