Tera-ble trainings (C63)

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"What's up?" Micheals asks as I roll my eyes at my phone "Teras been texting and calling me all day" I reply as we watch our pack do their 12th run up the mountain "What does she want?" he says taking a sip of his water "I have no idea" I say running my hands through my hair "Think it's important?" He asks folding his arms "Doubt it probably just trying to cause more drama" I reply "God I remember the days you were smitten over her checking your phone to see if she was calling you, smiling after she texted you-" he laughs "Shut up man" I say punching him in the arm "You were more gone for her than Aaliyah" Micheal says causing me to raise and eyebrow "Was I?" I ask unsure considering I always felt like I was in a daze when I was with Tera "Well I don't I guess just like... you know what just forget it" he says trying to focus back on the pack running. There's a small moment of silence before he continues  "I mean it's different you and Tera were more like lust you guys were passionate and steamy all about sex" he says putting an emphasis on sex considering he had to live through the noises for months. I shake my head and laugh "But Aaliyah I don't know shes just different" I look at him and nod my head, I knew they were completely different "Aaliyah's the wife you go home to, who will cook you a nice meal and train the kids to be just as badass as the both of you, a wife who will always have yours and the packs best interest at heart, Tera she may be a fighter and an intense lover but she'll never be satisfied she's always going to want more" he says shrugging his shoulders. I liked having Micheal as a beta and a friend. He wasn't afraid of being honest with me.

I begin biting my nail starting to actually reflect on my relationships with Aaliyah and Tera cringing at how shit I treated Aaliyah "Hey man don't think about it too hard we have bigger things to focus on" he says as the pack run towards us. "Great job guys we've been preparing all year for this and now it's here don't disappoint me or your Alpha okay we're gonna win this year just like we always do" I announce they each nod their heads. I wondered what Aaliyah was going through right now, this would be her first year at camp I wondered if she was coping well. Micheal shakes his head at me probably reading my expression. I narrow my eyes at him "You've all trained hard today and deserve a break so we're done for the day" everyone nods their heads and leaves.

Micheal and I decide to take a run up the hill to begin strategising. We get to the top and sit on the rocks talking about our plan of attack. Every other pack was predictable I knew them inside out but Aaliyah she was unpredictable I knew more about quantum physics than I did about her and I didn't even know my own star sign. "What do you think she's going to do?" I ask Micheal considering he probably knew a lot more about her than I did. Although I spent more time with her they had a lot more intimate talks. I'd ask Caroline but there's no way she'd help us against them her and Aaliyah were really close. "I reckon she'll give the flag to Jay to hide she's too much of a team player to do it herself" he replies "I don't know I wouldn't underestimate her she's become a leader over the month she was away on her mission" Micheal looks out at the sunset "Yeah she has" he replies with a small smile "I do hope she becomes our Luna" he adds. I nod my head and smile "I do too" I watch from the mountain as they begging setting up camp. My mind flicks back to our original topic "What do you think Jay will do?" Micheal asks "I think he'll hide it inside something like a container or a statue, he's not one for playing mind games like the midnight thorn pack, he wouldn't hide it in plain sight" Micheal bites his nails thinking "If we find their flag are we really going to take them out?" He asks "Of course we have to treat them like any other pack" I reply easily, Aaliyah may be my mate but I couldn't let my pack down or my Alpha, this might seem like a simple school competition for the lower ranks but for the higher ranks this predicted our future, if your pack is the top of the food chain here then it's highly likely you'll stay at the top even after graduation. "So you'd fight her in the last round?" he asks throwing me a curve ball. I hadn't give it too much thought up until now. I comb my hands through my hair now seriously thinking about what would happen if we were the last two. I couldn't let her win but I might kill her if I go too far especially without Kyla.

Aaliyahs POV

We're walking back towards the tower when the wolfing director stops us "Alpha Aaliyah I need to have a talk with you" I look back at Jay and he's standing very close to me "My Beta will join us" I say leaving no room for hesitation "Of course" he says with an annoyed smile. We follow him up into the main office walking through to the deans corridor "Have a seat please" he says as sits behind his desk . He was a lot more serious than the head master "We've had some..." he clears his throat "Whisperings in the senior offices and for safety reasons we've decided to allow allies to join the packs camp to ensure everyone is kept safe" I raise a brow wondering why he was telling us first "Since this is your first year I thought I'd let your pack know so you can quickly get your Affairs in order" I nod my head "We've also extended the camp to a full week so you have tomorrow and the next day to do team bonding amongst your pack and your allies, unfortunately you will not be able to use alliances made with other packs only other species" he says smiling "Oh and" he stops us before we're about to leave his office "Don't tell the headmaster" Jay and I give each-other a confused side eye "You may go" he says turning his chair away from us and out towards the window.

Jay and I walk out of the corridor and down the steps making it back to the alpha tower towards the elevator. "Why do you think he didn't want us to tell the headmaster?" Jay asks as the elevator doors close "No idea. something sketchy is definitely going on" I say biting my nails "After we get back into the room im gonna need you  to tell me exactly how the games normally go" I say as we approach our floor. Jay nods his head still looking down at his feet. We walk out of the elevator to see Kayden and Micheal entering their room at the same time. Micheal just smiles at us before walking in. Jay nods back on behalf of us and we each enter our seperate rooms. I huff not wanting to think too much about Kayden.

"Luckily we're at an advantage because while everyone has been competing our pack had been observing and we've learnt about all the other packs ways of playing although they switch it up a bit it's fairly similar" I nod my head as I begin looking for ingredients to cook up some steaks for us as Jay sits on one of the barstools explaining to me how the camp worked "On day one we have miniature games sort of team bonding like tug of war, hide n seek, a few races and other stuff, normally there's a bonfire where everyone just hangs out before the challenge the next day" I nod my head listening to him as I finish chopping the onions "On challenge day we wake up at the crack of dawn and each of the pack members who aren't competing sit in the assembly hall watching on the screen as we compete, sort of like a screening of the olympics" he explains "The assembly hall is spelled so no one can cheat through mind links or anything and then the competitors have 2 hours to train before the games start" my heart was beating even faster just thinking about it "After the finding of the flags the games ends for the day and theres a huge bonfire that night celebrating the winning four packs before their game of capture the flag the next day. We have the bonfire that night because the capture the flag takes almost a full day and then after that only the reaming two packs are allowed to stay back and their Alphas train, no one really knows what goes on at this point besides the packs and the Alphas" he says shrugging his shoulders "Who fought last year?" I ask flipping the steaks over "Kayden and Alex were the last two, the match lasted for about 10 minutes" I was surprised it lasted that long "Kayden had us all shocked everyone thought Alex was going to win before Kayden flipped, in the last minute he completely thrashed Alex, he couldn't walk for a week after that I remember the witches trying to re align his bones in the ring" he trembles like a cold child. I put the steaks down on the plate wondering if Kayden would ever do that to me if it's us two in the last round.

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