Birthday Toast (C36)

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...the most strong, resilient and passionate person I have ever met. When she wants something she works until she gets it. If you knock her down 100 times she will get up each and every time. She will fight literally until death to see her cause through. She is the most loyal" he pauses "friend and a person I consider very specials to me. I have had the Honor of being her guardian for the past 7 years. That may not seem like much so let's hear from someone who's known her for a lot longer" he stops and looks back at me. I look up at him and smile thanking him for the speech. I hear foot steps from the isle. My head darts towards it to see Si walking down in a white dress. She smiles as she walks towards me. She reaches my side and takes the microphone from Hunter"Being shy is something my sister and I both inherited from our Luna. But I have recently gained some confidence thanks to the future Beta of this pack whom you all know Jay who will be speaking soon. But back to the main point...My sister" she turns and smiles at me "I know we haven't always seen eye to eye and even though we both can be stubborn at times and even when I'm wrong you still manage to put your pride aside and help me out when I need it. You've always been there for me when I needed it most and I know she will do the same for this pack because you truly are the most loyal and caring person I know. you would make an Amazing Luna but im glad we are all lucky enough to have you as an Alpha...But im the most lucky. because I get to have you as my sister" She says with tears in her eyes "I Love you Aaliyah" she says before stepping back into the line with Hunter. Next Jay walks down looking all goofy as usual. "This...this was very hard for me to keep from you, planning all of this was extremely hard i've become so used to telling you everything and even if I hadn't told you I know you would have found out one way or another because you are so smart it annoys me. And that is why she will be an amazing Alpha to us all" he says turning to the pack "She is extremely smart and so quick to come up with plans and she is one of the most impressive fighters I have ever seen. You're going to be an amazing Alpha Aaliyah and as your Beta ill be right beside you through it all" he smiles. He steps back into the line. Next Mar and Celeste walk down the isle. Celeste was wearing a yellow beyonce lemonade moment while Mar was in a maroon red layered dress "Aaliyah..." Celeste begins the speech "Aaliyah is like a sister to us and It hurt so much having to lie to you and hurt you but we didnt want you to catch on to...all of this" Celeste says gesturing around the tent "As Jay mentioned she is so smart, hiding even the last cookie from her is a difficult task". They continue their speech sharing funny memories and heart felt comments "-And if you ever try to hurt her I will hunt you down and deal with you personally" Mar says before Celeste pulls the mic from her "Happy birthday Aaliyah" Celeste shouts before pushing her sister back in line.  I smile at their thoughtful speech.

I was anxious wondering who the next person walking down that isle would be. My breath hitches as Caroline and Micheal walk down the isle. My heart begins racing. Caroline takes the Mic as cheerful as always "Don't worry we didn't bring the big bad wolf you can breathe" she jokes causing me to actually smile "Sorry we didn't mean to intrude on your pack gathering but Aaliyah here has become a very strong and important part of our pack too" No. what is she doing. I wasnt ready. I wasnt even sure if I wanted to mate with Kayden "As my close friend" she winks at me "I have seen this girl in action, when she saved my life. My pack will be eternally grateful for her actions and because of this girl right here, The kings pack have gained an ally for as long as my family reign as the alphas of our pack. The ace pack will fight along side your pack always and hope you can offer us the same. This offer has been extended from not only myself but also from our Alpha to yours and will stand until it is no longer desired. Happy Birthday Aaliyah. I hope we can continue being friends until we are all grey and wrinkled" she smiles at me reminding me of an inside joke we had. That was an amazing offer presented by the Ace pack which my father has likely already accepted. She hands the mic to Micheal "Aaliyah" he smiles "You were my first kiss" my face goes bright red as I cover my face "I had no idea I was Kissing the future Alpha of the Kings pack. If id known I would have proposed to you right there" He laughs causing everyone else to laugh "No but really. the person you do decide to mate with and Mark is the luckiest in the world" he smiles  "I hope  your Mate treats you with respect, and loves you as much as I love your cookies. You're like a sister to me Aaliyah...and I will protect you from anyone...always. im glad our packs are now linked" he says looking to my chest. My breath hitches as I realize I was no longer wearing the Ace necklace. "Happy birthday Alpha" he nods before joining the line. Hunter takes the Mic "Well I hope you all enjoyed getting to know your alpha a little more. I know Alpha Bentley and Luna Maria wouldve loved to be here but you are all aware of the situations back home" huh? what situations? "Enjoy everybody" he quickly says.

"Hunter" I give him a look making sure he knew I wanted to have a serious talk with him "It can wait" he says through closed teeth "lets go outside now" I say pulling his arm. It was around 6 oclock now so the sun was setting "Whats going on back home" I hadnt been informed about anything. He puts one hand at the bridge of this nose and the other on his hip "Well...three female wolves had been taken from you pack..." what??? "Why were they not here at the academy?" As far as I was concerned this academy was the safest place for them "Two of them were pregnant and the other was a newly wed that returned to the pack home a few months ago and were taken shortly after." Sadness was the first emotion I felt. The empathy and pain I felt for the women taken was considered a weakness by my fellow wolves and especially ally's. let's just say anger was a more desirable reaction "why wasn't I told and what's the packs plan of approach?" I knew I wasn't alpha yet but if I was alpha enough to learn the fighting side and get beat half to death at fifteen I think I'm entitled to know about issues within the pack. "That's above my pay grade you'll have to ask your father. H-he didn't want to disturb you after someone told him about you not feeling well" Si. I knew it would have been her she likely thought telling my parents to lay off abit was helping me, but actually it was making me come off as a hormonal teenager who doesn't know how to handle her emotions properly. God what have I gotten myself in to. I contemplate momentarily before coming up with a plan of action. First step removing all distractions and anything that could hurt the plan. "Hunter" I say looking up at him "Have you seen my-" I don't even have to finish the words as he pulls out a black felt box from the inside of his jacket pockets. He hands it to me. He reaches back into his pocket but hesitates "What is it?" I say furrowing my brows, he quickly retracts his empty hand "Uh nothing" he says shaking his head "Hunter?" I look up at him confused "I'll tell you later" he says before looking back at the party "Considering you wanted that back did you..." I help him finish his sentence  "could you get Micheal for me please" I ask quickly before he can mention the K word.

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