Chapter 23 Season 2

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2 months later...

Ryder's POV

"We need to do something about this and fast."

"It never would've happened if she already gave Alpha King a pup."

"She was a weakling, couldn't even defend herself."

"She was not fit for a queen."

"Thank God, she's gone now."

"ENOUGH!" I roared out loud. I've had enough.

I've been here for three hours now, stuck in this stupid meeting. All the powerful Lycans and Alphas of almost all the packs are present here to discuss about the tragedy that happened two months ago.

Everything is out of order. These people are getting out of control. They have said countless of degrading things about Berry and I am a second away from killing them all.

"I did not call this meeting to hear you all rant about your Luna Queen. Do you all not know that disrespecting your Luna in an official meeting is a punishable offence?"

"But she was never crowned." One Alpha spoke up.

"It doesn't change the fact that she's your Alpha King's true mate which makes her your Luna. You all should be ashamed of yourself. This is a time when your Alpha king needs your support the most and here you all are busy disrespecting his mate."

"We did not mean to disrespect Berenice. We all know the solution is Alpha king's heir. It was her duty to give him a child but she didn't. it's her fault we have no one to save us from this situation." The other alpha argued.

"It is such a shame that you have no trust in your Alpha king. He is more than capable to save you all from those creatures. That day's incidents are proof enough. It saddens me to know that you all have such shallow thinking. Berenice is not bound to pop out a child just because you people think so. Now that I hear your thoughts, I doubt that you people are capable to lead your packs. Do you treat your females this way? Are they machines to pop out children and carry your legacy? No! they are not.

Alexander would never force his mate to have his pup just because of a prophecy. They are mates. The deserve to live every moment of their relationship. He loves Berenice. The child will come when they think it is the right time. No one has the right to force them."

"So, what do you suggest we do now Royal Beta?" a Lycan asks.

"I called you here to discuss this but you all chose to rather badmouth Berenice than to actually find a solution to the problem." I spat at them. I was getting agitated now. One more minute with these people and I will lose my shit.

The door of the meeting room opened and Charlie walked in. My hands were itching to touch him. I just wanted to bury my nose in his neck and take in his scent but I cannot do it with all these people here.

"The food is ready gentlemen. I suggest you all take a small brake and enjoy the lunch."

"Alright everyone, the meeting will continue after lunch." I said and everyone one got up and left the room.

Charlie came towards me, I pulled him in my arms and nuzzled his neck.

"Let's go to our room. I'll set up your food while you freshen up." He spoke softly.

I smiled at him and nodded. He then left to get the food. I really feel lucky to have him as my mate. Things were rough between us at the beginning but slowly we both got closer to us. Now, when all the responsibilities are on my head, he is the one who keeps me sane.

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