Chapter 49

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Berenice's pov

Father and uncle Matthew were standing at the door of the meeting room when my mate connected all the dots and understood the demons' real intention. Uncle Matthew was very upset when they came to know about his daughter's betrayal and comforted his mate who couldn't stop crying.

Father remained stoic just like my mate. I don't know what's going on in their minds.

"We need to call all the Lycans immediately. The wolves are not strong enough to fight those demons." Father spoke up, breaking the tense silence that engulfed the room.

My mate gave a subtle nod and stood up from the chair. He came towards me and picked me up from the chair and walked out of the room. My mate was brooding in silence. He did not say anything but I know he is furious by the betrayal of his own blood.

Everything got out of our hands. Our loved ones were attacked. Our enemies escaped from the dungeons. The one we thought was our friend turned out to be a foe.

He carried me to the bedroom and dropped me on the bed making me bounce on it.

"Wh- what are you doing?" I stutter. He was looking at me with such intensity that I was compelled to expose my neck in submission and let out a low whimper. He was above me within a second running his nose along the length of my neck.

My breathing intensified as his lips lingered over my mark. My whole body was set on fire when his lips touched my mark and he started sucking on it.

"I- nng- Ahh" a strangled moan left my lips as his hands roamed my body making me squirm.

"Thank god, you are safe." He murmured before slamming his lips on mine trying to suck my soul.

He was reassuring himself of my safety. He was seeking comfort from my touch.

I buried my hand in his hair basking in his affection and tried to keep up with the kiss but my pace couldn't match his. There was an urgency in his kiss, a passion, a determination.

"I love you." he declared after pulling away from the kiss.

"I love you too." I replied. My lips were swollen from his passionate kiss.

He buried his face in my breasts and took deep calming breathes and I raked my fingers over his soft hair.

We stayed like this for some time, cuddling and nuzzling each other, showering each other with kisses.

"We have so much to do know." He said with a serious tone.

"I know." I whispered.

"We have to be ready for the battle. It will not be easy."

"I know."

"Are you ready?"


"I love you."

"I love you too."


Ryder's pov

I was sitting in the hospital, caressing my sleeping angel's face. His face was not pale anymore and didn't look lifeless. He was recovering fast and I couldn't be happier about it.

Nayanthara told me that he would be in pain for a few hours after he wakes up but he will be fine.

"Ryder." I turned around and saw Adam who looked worn out and had red rimmed eyes. I stood up from the chair that I was sitting in and hugged him.

We both share the same pain. Both our mates got attacked today.

"How is Sara and the baby?" I asked.

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