Chapter 25 Season 2

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Ryder's POV

I never thought that our kind could be this selfish. They know that the Royals are in a difficult position and they are not holding back in taking advantage.

They know that Alex is not here and we cannot tell when he will return. The council that they formed a few decades ago are the ones brainwashing the common people.

The council holds no significance but the people think whatever the council will decide will be implemented. The council states that they are the well wishers of the people and they are responsible to convey their choices to the Royal court. They do nothing but manipulate people.

We allowed the people to do whatever they wanted, Alex didn't want people to think that they have no say or that there is no one to listen to their thoughts and choices.

The ones who report to us about the events happening in the packs is not the so-called council but the elite spies who were chosen by Alex and myself. If the people want to convey anything to the Alpha king, they can very well do that themselves. Alex would never refuse to listen to them but no one takes the initiative. They just assume that they will not be allowed to meet him.

Heck, They can talk to me or any of the warriors who patrol the packs regularly.

I have a feeling that he will be back soon and will be very disappointed on the behavior of the wolves and Lycans for whom he is ready to give up his life for. There is a reason that the creatures cannot enter any of the packs under the Royals. He takes extreme measure to make sure no negative energy enters his territory.

"Ryder." My angel called me and broke my train of thoughts. I put the file down that I've been checking, reading the pathetic petitions of the females wanting to volunteer to be Alex's chosen mate.

"yes, baby."

"You need to come out from the cabin." He said, sauntering his way inside my office, closing the door behind him. He came and sat on my lap, wrapping his hands on my neck and pecked my forehead.

"You need to take a break." He said and hugged me. I sighed. I know I he misses me. I miss him too. I couldn't give him much time these past few months. But, until Alex comes back, I have to deal with all this.

I would've been easy if these people didn't decide to be a rebel.

"I'm sorry." I kissed his forehead and mumbled against his skin.

"Mhhmmhh, you don't need to be." He mumbled. I nuzzled his neck, enjoying the feeling of my mate's skin against mine and basking in his scent.

"Let's go for a walk, yeah?" I asked.

"Does it mean you and I walking in the garden or you picking me up and walking by yourself?" I chuckled at his response.

A knock came at the door and I groaned.

I want some time with my mate!

My little angel laughed at my reaction and got up from my lap. He took a seat on the other side of the table. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Ryder!" a shout came from the other side of the door.

"Come in. Adam!" I yelled back. The door opened and revealed a very tensed looking Adam. He came and took a seat next to Charlie.

Adam Clifford, the Royal Delta. He helps to train our soldiers along with the head warrior. The security of our people is his responsibility.

He is also very close to both Alex and I. Three of us grew up together and were trained by Alex's father.

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