part 4 - its good, until it ain't.

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Mason and I end up talking until the lay-over in Ohio, only noticing how long we've been talking when the train comes to a stop and Bella is sprawled out over both of our laps. We both seemed to notice it at the same time, as I catch his eyes and we burst into soft, quiet laughter.

"How about a cafe? I've been to one really nice one while here once." Mason suggests.

"Yeah just let me grab my backpack and I'll meet you right here" I say, getting up and going a few rows up back to our original seat. I swing my backpack over my shoulder before going back to Mason's row, seeing him holding Bella. I immediately realize and start to panic.

"Ohmygod Mason, I am so sorry- I can take her I didn't mean to put this much responsibility on you, youdonthavetodothisimsoso-" I start to speak faster and breath a bit harder, and Mason notices.

"Hey, calm down. Look at me," He says, softly grabbing my chin and turning me to face him, looking me directly in the eyes. "It's fine, I'm completely fine with it."

I take a moment to admire his eyes and calm myself down.

"Thank you," I mumble, nervously looking down,

"Dont thank me, its nothin', babe" Mason replies and I can't help but blush.


Mason and I are laughing at Bella's messy eating when I excuse myself to the "bathroom", which is just to pay so he can't argue with me over it. As I wait for my receipt I can't help but notice and admire the adorable sight before me. Bella makes grabby hands for him and he picks her up, helping her reach the cookie on the table. I thank the cashier and make my way back to the booth, sliding in next to mason this time. I just send him a smile.


I can hear Mason and Bella's laughter behind me, as we all run towards the train stop to catch our train which leaves in two minutes. As I make it onto the train just as it starts moving, Mason stares at me with wide-eyes from the doors windows, panicked.

"fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck-" I mumbled, running my hands through my hair. For some odd reason, I wasn't really worried about Bella's safety with him, but both of them together. And it only now crosses my mind that he has NOTHING to take care of Bella with, and all of our luggage is on this train. As if he could sense my stress, he calls my phone.


"Hey hey hey, calm down. everything will be fine. I have my phone, and my charger, plus apple pay. I'll wait with Bella until the next train and you can facetime us whenever."

"Okay," I said, my voice cracking and my eyes watering up, "when's the next train?"

"2 hours"

"t-two hours?" I ask for reassurance, letting a few tears slip.

"babe- beau, just calm down. getting upset will only make us upset and then you'll have bigger problems"

"right," I agreed with him, wiping my face with my hoodie sleeves, "please promise you wont like- murder her or something" I say, too busy being upset and brushing off 'babe' as a pet name.

"I promise."

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